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Refraction. Take a clear glass, pour some water in it, and put in the glass a pencil. It looks like the pencil breaks.

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Q: Why do legs look funny when you look at the swimming pool?
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How do you tell if there are tadpoles in your swimming pool?

You will see what look like very small fish with tails (or possibly legs if they are becoming frogs soon) and frogs around your pool. If there are tadpoles in your pool you should be able to see them.

Where can I find information on Swimming pool designs?

If you are looking for information on were can you find information on swimming pool designs, the best place to look is on

Rash all over legs after swimming in a private pool?

Improper water chemistry - stay out of the pool until they learn how to properly maintain a swimming pool. Last measure would be to test the water yourself for proper chemistry.

What does a scale plan for an olympic swimming pool look like?

== ==

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Your face, in a swimming pool

How do you get rid of black bees that look like flying ants that sting in your swimming pool?

With either a skimming net or get an effective floating pool skimmer

What is swimming pool in English?

'Swimming Pool', sometimes shortened to 'Pool'.

What is the fear of bumping into the wall when swimming backstroke in swimming pool?

Injuries to the head, hands, wrists and arms...Sometimes legs if attempting a backstroke tumble-turn or even a backstroke to breastroke turn. It was only today i injured my finger doing one of these turns; but these are the main fears of swimming backstroke in a swimming pool...

What should you look for in a salt water pool when purchasing a resale home?

Is it an indoor pool or outdoor pool? Have a qualified swimming pool tech, a swimming pool inspector or a swimming pool consultant advise you through an inspection of your pool. They will find and actually visually see things that stand out as needing attention or repairs or adjustments. Those things I cannot do over the internet. k

What is measurement and label of the swimming pool?

it depends on which swimming pool

Why are swimming pool coopers used?

What are swimming pool "Coopers"