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Q: Why do many Americans seem to blame or hate Muslims in the US?
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Why are muslims against americans?

The Muslims are not against all Americans. They hate the policies of America for hatching conspiracies against the Muslims, bombing their cities and mercilessly murduring millions of Muslims in Afghanistan, Iraq and Lybia. Wll, a goat never loves its butcher. Many Muslims live in America, with Americans.

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Muslims never hate Americans. Many Muslims live in the US and have good relations with the Americans. They all cooperate together and share responsibilities in the American society. However, Muslims don't like the American foreign policy that is biased against their needs and aspirations, biased just for the benefit of Us and Israel own interests and benefits. Refer to related question below.

What are American perceptions about Muslims?

Answer 1A lot many Muslims are living peacefully as law-abiding citizens in America. The Americans have no objection to the law-abiding Muslims. They don't hate them. Neither the Americans nor the Muslims have any cause to hate each oher. They are living as friends.Answer 2While it is the case that the overwhelming majority of Muslims are peaceful and decent human beings, this is not the general American perception, especially where conservatives are concerned. Views range wildly from those who believe all Muslims are secret terrorists to the idea that Muslims and their values do not compliment the American way of life. Liberal Americans tend to be of the perspective that Muslims add richness to the American cultural fabric.

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Can muslims beat americans?

Why should the Muslims beat Americans while many Muslms are Americans. Let tolerance,if not love, prevail in the world.

Why do so many people hate Muslims?

because of there religion!!!

Why do Muslims hate the UK?

It is not true that Muslims hate the UK. Many Muslims live in UK in harmony and good relations with the UK people. Muslims may hate some of the policies of the UK politicians when their policies are directed against Islam religion or against their country native interests and independence.

Why did many Americans in the frontier regions like Kentucky hate the British?

were getting aliance with native americans

How many stars hate Muslims?

Answer 1Most celebrities do not have an opinion about Muslims as an aggregate for or against.Answer 2All Stars (Muslim, Christians, and Jewish celebrities) in Muslim Majority countries don't hate Muslims and are very welcomed by people. However, in Muslim minority countries, there may be some; although few; hate Muslims as they are strongly and blindly supporting Israel financially as well as in media; despite that many Muslim majority countries are currently in good ties with Israel.

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Egyptians do not hate the American people, but many hate the American government. This primarily stems from the American government support of Hosni Mubarak.

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for failing to provide for their families

What happened between Americans and Muslims?

It mainly goes back to the 11th of September 2001 when the terrorist attacks had targeted the USA, the first suspect was Al-Qaedah who are Muslims & consequently many Americans stereotyped Muslims accusing them of terrorism despite having no decisive evidence that those sinful terrorist attacks were actually committed by Muslims. Then Two Islamic countries were occupied, Iraq & Afghanistan & many innocent people including children have been killed. Now, many Muslims think that America hates them & Many Americans think that Muslims hate them. From my point of view,I would like to state the following points: - First of all, religions are innocent from the faults of the followers as long as they don't call for them & Islam does not call for killing people at all & on the contrary this is considered as a very terrible sin,the worst ever. - Generalizations can't be applied on any field because they are mostly misleading. - There were American people protesting against that war on Iraq. - There are American people who don't hate or stereotype Muslims. - The attacks on America were sinful,unjustifiable & terrorist.The same way are the wars, they have destroyed everything in Iraq & Afghanistan - That terrorist attacks were against not only America but also against Islam,this creates doubts if they were really carried out by Muslims. - A real Muslim can never kill ! - Terrorism isn't treated by terrorism !! - Many Muslims do not hate America especially its people. - Most of the criticism is against the previous American government not the American people. Because very frankly, the policy of Bush the ex-president of the USA had distorted the image of America worldwide & especially in the Middle East. - Both Americans & Muslims have lost a lot in the war. - It must be distinguished between the American people & the American government. - It should have been distinguished between the civil innocent people & those who are terrorists. - Also,much of the blame is put on the Western Media who rarely defends Islam & mostly concentrates on what attacks Muslims. - Most of the West is still in a serious need to go a step forward to discover the great reality of Islam which leads to peace in all ways. Acknowledge its good values & still regard it as a false religion if you like.