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Because women are effected to the same degree as men who consume less alcohol.

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Q: Why do men and women have different units of alcohol?
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Why do women have a higher blood alcohol content than men do after consuming the same amount of alcohol?

Men and women have different body chemistry and alcohol affects men and women differently. Women typically have less body mass than male counterparts and carry more water weight than men, BAC is affected by both of those two factors heavily.

Would the blood alcohol be the same for a man and women who weight the same and drink the same?

No, even though they weigh the same men and women have a different body chemistry. Men have a higher percentage of their mass as water than men so alcohol affects them less than women.

Why does alcohol affect men differently then women?

Because men have a stronger matabilizm the women do so they can consume more than women as their body takes it in better and women have difference organs to men in which deal with alcohol differently to how mens organs deal with alcohol. -women are

How many units of alcohol does absinthe have in it?

you will need about 3 - 4 for men and for women it is 2-3

Which of these statements best describes the effect of a alcohol on men and women?

Women are more vulnerable than men to the medical consequences of alcohol abuse.

What types of men do women prefer?

Different men prefer different women the same as different women prefer different men.

Do men have more alcohol illnesses than women?

I think yes, men have more alcohol illness than woman , because women is going to deal with problem , in the same time men is going not to solve the problem , but to go out of it. Women are much stronger than men, because of different ways of thinking at first, as second in will power and activity.

How come men are allowed more units of alcohol than women?

It's not sexist but purely biological. Alcohol affects woman faster as they have a higher proportion of body fat than men. Fat cannot absorb alcohol so it is more concentrated in a woman's blood. Women have less of the stomach enzyme dehydrogenase that breaks down alcohol. A woman will absorb almost 30% more than a man her own size because of this. Also, more obviously, women are often shorter and lighter than men meaning a higher concentration of alcohol.

Who is most likely to develope an alcohol abuse or dependence problem men or women?

both men and women have the same percentage for alcohol abuse, but men have a high percentage of using illicit drugs

What is moderate alcohol intake for men?

No more than 14 units a week.

Why are there different diets for women and men?

There are different diets for women and men, because men and women have different metabolisms and dietary requirements. Men for instance require more calories per day than women.

Are men and women the same?

men and women are very different