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Men (specially the ones in I.T. or in the health field) are exposed to Filipinas a lot or at least coworkers who also have filipinas wives or fiances.

White women are attractive, however their reputation is hurt due to the high rates as divorce partners due to many factors, they just don't make 'em like they used to. Filipinas (or women from the Philippines) are normally portayed as faithful wives/fiances. They also make good homemakers, are hard workers, and they raise children while working, and so forth. They might not be so great in English or may have an accent, but they bring in income to the home. Many Hispanic women are more gorgeous than asians or filipinas in majority, however Latinas are portrayed as being infidels, but great to have romances with. I've dated so many women in my life from different ethnicities and this is just my 2 cents. Besides, Filipinas are hard at it (aggressive) in getting a foreigner to marry them and petition them so they can have a better life for themselves and perhaps provide some assistance to their families back home (they call it "padala pera"). That's the only thing that men regret after marrying a filipinas is their attachment to their families back home... so if you are to marry a filipina, make sure you lay out the rules in your house, otherwise she will keep sending assistance to their family back home. They give real love, but they also want payment of some sort. I guess who doesn't.

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