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Its quite simple really, men look because they find the woman attractive. It doesnt mean theyre about to run off and have an affair. Its also not a sign of disrespect, they may look at the other woman for a moment but theyre with their girlfriend, theyll go home with their girlfriend and theyll wake up the next morning with their girlfriend! Im sure if a woman saw a very attractive man she'd have a quick look!

AnswerThey do this because they have no manners or respect for the person they are with. I constantly here "Well, a guy has eyes so why shouldn't he look and she's showing it anyway" well, that is a bunch of crap. When a person is with their significant other they shouldn't have to shut their eyes because of an attractive person walks by but they should be respectful and discreet. Yeah, go ahead take a peek but don't stare. That just tells you the "man"tality of this person. Im not going to say"all guys are pigs" but there are alot that just cant muster the maturity to admire a woman for the beauty that's there and think no more of it. Alot of men think woman were put on this earth for their enjoyment and I'll be the first to tell them that they need to get their heads out of their butts and see a woman for the fantastic and special being she is. Lets face it there are people out there flaunt there goods but what is that saying about them that unless they show their wares no one would probably even look at them. Look around the next time you go out and see the naturally beautiful people that don't even have to try and they don't even know it. Its the fake ass ones that put on airs that have so low self esteem and crave attention that have to put everyone on notice. I literally laugh, outloud, when a guy or girl putting on a display pass me by knowing that that is all they have to offer someone. Half the time they don't even look that good, the best thing they got going is a fake set of boobs hanging out or half their butts hanging out of their shorts. fake nails, dyed,too many times, hair and way too much "cake-up", my personal name for makeup. Yuk. If your guy, not even "man" is doing this to you give him a run for his money and do it back or doll yourself up as if your going out on the town day and night when your with him and let him see how it feels to be on the receiving end of his own ways. I bet he wont like it for long. AnswerIt's an appreciation of the hard work that some women put into maintaining their bodies, and a confirmation that their lady is comparable (or perhaps needs some work). Men appreciate female beauty in a way women will never understand. A man is visual, always aware of who and what is in his sphere. AnswerMen are just dogs! No that's to nice! Men are just filthy PIGS! My Pig loves staring at womens buttocks while being with me.( I do mean Stare) He will go outside 3 am in the morning to stand along the roadside trying so hard to peak over the young neighbors house just to glance at her. (with her bushes being in his way) Like one said on here...I think I will give him a run for his money! I am tired of being disrespected. And he wants to marry me! I haven't found what you are looking for, so the answer is no! I don't believe all men are like that. I can sit out in a nice bar and grill and observe how other men act. I have not noticed too many men that will bend and brake their neck to stare as my boyfriend does. Funny thing, he never showed this kind of behaivor when we were just dating. It makes me sick! He seems so damn hipnotized, Ive never seen a man like that before. I think what he's hoping is that these woman will look at him and make him feel like he's a! After all when I confronted him once, he said, You just think the way that you do because you have never been with such a handsome man before! My response, YOU ARE STUCK ON YOURSELF! I am a very beautiful and attractive woman. Question this how I want to live? Best Answer:Just because you're on a diet doesn't mean you can't have look at the menu!
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Q: Why do men stare at other women when they are out with their girlfriends?
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He has to look at other women, to appreciate how totally beautiful you are :-) But Seriously, make him aware that it bothers you, and point it out to him when he is doing it, and if he doesnt stop, make a point of staring at other men to affirm your point. Ask Yourself - Is it just other women whom he stares at, or does he stare at everybody in curiosity, and you only notice, when it is another women? Good Luck

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Not necessarily. Men may stare for various reasons, including curiosity, attraction, or simply not being aware of their actions. Staring to be intimidating is not a universal motive and can vary depending on the individual.

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Men will look at other women no matter how much they love their partner (it's human), but remember, women look at other men as well for the same reasons. It is improper to constantly stare at one or more women when you are with someone you care about or are going out with on a steady basis.

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Well hun, it's natural 4 men 2 look at other women, so get over it

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Because if a man cant get some he is the worst person ever

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It's like asking 'why do men stare at other women.' Perhaps they may recognize that person from somewhere, but don't know where they had seen them or they may find that person attractive. I will look at good looking men, but I love my husband. It doesn't mean I can't enjoy looking at a handsome man like a fine painting as long as I don't touch! LOL My husband looks at other women and I have no problem with it.

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its a natural thing men are usually attracted to women

What is the ISBN of The Men Who Stare at Goats?

The ISBN of The Men Who Stare at Goats is 9780330375474.

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The Men Who Stare at Goats was created in 2004.

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The Men Who Stare At Goats (2009) is rated R.

When was Other Men's Women created?

Other Men's Women was created in 1931.