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The air above the pavement is very hot and reflects light differently than cooler air making it appear as if there is water on the road.

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Q: Why do mirages of puddles appear on hot pavement and in the desert?
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In desert areas what process results in the information of desert pavement?

The process that forms desert pavement is called deflation.

Could desert pavement be found in a forest?

Desert pavement would not occur in a forest as the roots of plants help stabilize the soil preventing the erosion that causes desert pavement..Desert pavement would not occur in a forest as the roots of plants help stabilize the soil preventing the erosion that causes desert pavement.

What results in the formation of desert pavement?

Deflation results in the formation of desert pavement.

How do you see mirages?

Mirages are an optical illusion caused when an object is viewed through a layer of heated area, such as exists in the desert. Light rays viewed through this layer are bent and frequently appear to be a bluish patch, like an oasis, in the distance.

Does deposition result in the formation of desert pavement?

No, deflation results in the formation of desert pavement.

How does desert pavement move?

Desert pavement does not move unless it is carried away by a flash flood. However, the wind can remove sand surrounding the sand in desert pavement.

Is desert pavement cause by chemical weathering?

No, desert pavement is caused by wind which is physical weathering.

Is desert pavement commonly formed by water erosion?

No, desert pavement is caused by wind erosion - deflation.

What is a gravel-covered plain in the desert?

Desert pavement

What results when desert pavement is disturbed?

When desert pavement is disturbed it opens the surface to additional erosion by wind and water.

What is the layer of pebbles that covers the desert floor?

Desert pavement

How does desert pavement desert form?

Desert pavement is formed by the gradual removal of sediment by rain and/or wind, leaving only larger sediment behind.