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The only explanation I can give you is that most men (and women) believe that they won't get caught. Even if they are caught, they often make some ridiculous excuse for their actions. The reason for denial is for the simple fact to "keep you guessing". I notice you said that the spouse is 100% sure that his/her significant other is being unfaithful, but in the mind of the cheater, he/she feels that as long as they don't admit to it, then it's like it's still a mystery.

I do not understand the idea of cheating on another. I am a man and I can honestly say that I have never nor will I ever cheat on my wife. When I said I do, it was because I did and continue to love her. She was the one I wanted with me until the day that I leave this earth. It is a promise that I made to her. If those feelings ever left me, I would divorce her before I ever laid down with another woman. It was a promise that I made to myself that I would never make anyone the victim of unfaithfulness. Why everyone can't see that, I don't know.

In class one day, we were talking about Jesse James cheating on Sandra Bullock. Everyone was saying that he was stupid for doing that because she was the catch for him. He wasn't the catch. She was. And people were confused as to why Jesse James would cheat on her. She is so beautiful and talented. And my professor said something that was funny at the time, but I could see how it would apply. He said, "If you were having steak every night, you would still want a hamburger every now and then." My only thing is, if you weren't ready to commit to steak every night, why would you put a ring on it's finger?

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Q: Why do most married men deny not to be having an affair even when they knew that their wives is hundred percent sure?
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