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All dogs from the Moloser family has the same size and dogs don't have fangs they have solid k9s.

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Q: Why do most pits have bigger fangs?
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The genes for fangs are recessive yet most dragons have fangs how can this happen?

the fangs only come to female dragons

Do spiters have fangs?

most of them do

How long are a vampire's fangs?

Actually i think that vampire fangs are almost tripple the size of regular fangs they show out the most in a common vampires mouth..

Do snakes inject poison using their forked tongues?

No, the poison is injected with the fangs of the snake. No. They use their fangs. What else would the fangs be for? The forked tongue is used to smell. When they stick their tongues out, they are collecting scent molecules on the ends of the fork. Then, they draw their tongues back in and put them in special pits in the roof of their mouth. These pits act like our noses do, and detect what kinds of molecules and how many of them there are on the tongue. The fangs are hollow and connected to venom sacks near the eyes of the snake. When a snake bites something, it uses the muscles around the venom sacks to pump the venom through its fangs and into whatever it bites. This is if the snake is poisonous. If the snake is a constrictor, then it just squeezes tighter and tighter until whatever it is squeezing cannot breathe any more and dies.

What do you call a snake teeth?

The venom from most poisonous snakes comes out of their fangs.

What bugs have 3 fangs?

There are currently no known species of bugs or any other type of animal that has 3 fangs. Most bugs that do have fangs will either have 2 or 4 of them.

Do snake's fangs slide into their gums when they are not using them?

Most snake fangs are immobile and are simply large hollow or grooved teeth. The fangs of vipers (including pit vipers such as rattlesnakes) have fangs that fold but don't slide back.

Where do snakes keep their fangs?

The fangs are in their mouths. Vipers have fangs that fold in their mouths and are partiall covered by a fleshy sheath, though still very apparentin an open mouth. Elapids such as cobras have smaller fixed fangs, which can be seen with a close look at the inside of the mouth. Other snakes have fangs in the rear of the mouth. Most snakes have teeth but not fangs.

Why do most dragons have fangs?

Because they look cool.Sure, that's the importance of a dragon's fangs... NOT! Sure, to a human, that may seem like the importance, but it's not. In truth, the importance of our fangs is to catch and hold prey.

Does bunnies have fangs?

no they do not have fangs

In film rajkumar whether madhuri had dark stubby pits?

yes in most of the shots she was having dark pits .She wore sleeveless dresses in the entire film and happily showed her dark stubby pits

Where are cobras fangs?

Two, split, in the forward most part of their mouths.