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Authors use this technique to cause a reader to play out the ending for themselves. they like to make the reader think and resolve the way that the story will play out. It sometimes may cause people to want to buy more of the authors books because they enjoy the feeling of coming up with the end themselves.

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11y ago
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1mo ago

Leaving readers in surprise at the end of a story can create a lasting impact and make the story more memorable. It can also encourage readers to reflect on the plot and characters, sparking discussion and engagement. Additionally, surprises can help to keep readers interested and eager to explore more of the writer's work in the future.

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11y ago

Writers use twist ending because they would add more pizzaz and wow

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14y ago
  • twist
  • deus en machine
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13y ago

Situational irony

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Q: Why do most writers leave readers in a surprise at the end of the story?
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