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One theory is that many night-flying moths find their way by using the moon as a guide. By flying at a constant angle to the moon-say with the moon always on their left-they keep going in the same direction. To a moth, a bright light such as a lamp resembles a super-moon. Keeping at the angle to the lamp makes the moth circle around it and eventually spiral into it. If the light is in a building, moths flutter at the window trying to reach the substitute moon.

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13y ago

Moth fly towards light because, they use the moon as a compose, and when moths see a light, they fly towards it, thinking it's the moon!

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the best time to kill moths is in the summer when they are out. also moths are attracted to lights so kill it while it is flying toward the light or next to/ on the light with a flyswatter or clap it with your hands.

Why do moths fly toward the light?

They don't: What moths like is the darkness behind the light, or the shadow. They try to reach this darkness, but never can, and so moths are always seen around light bulbs and sources. Try this instead, it's off wikipedia if you wanna look it up again. It says basically that they use the bright, celestial lights such as the moon to help them fly in a straight line. Much more complicated than that but you get the general idea

Why do moths fly in circle round lights?

when the light reaching their eyes is not the same on the both side

What attracts moths?

Moths are attracted to light. That's why moths fly around lamp posts at night. Moths also eat cloth. So if you find holes in a sweater it could of been caused by a moth. I hope this helps.

Why do moths not fly after their wings are touched?

moths don't fly after they are touched because they have like scales on their wings and when you touch them they get damaged

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Do crabs eat moths?

No , cause moths fly and they do not live in water crabs do so the answer is No

Why do moths stay in the same place for days?

Female moths stay in one place waiting for a male moth to fly to them to mate. The male moth dies shortly after they mate and the female dies shortly after laying her eggs.