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chicks dont fart <-- must've been a "chick" who wrote that, because that statement is completely **FALSE**. Guess what gang, they peel'm off just like the guys do. The men just take greater pride in their accomplishments than the women folk do.

Here's a webpage just CHOCK full of facts pertaining to that fantastic backside fumage otherwise known as the good old fart:

Back to the posted question. It's possible you are a higher anxiety individual, chew gum, gulp more air, drink more carbonated beverages, these all contribute to assblasting. If you're lactose intolerant, and down some lactose containing sustenance, you will be noticed if you launch a salvo. Best to drive with your windows down in that scenario. That webpage I mentioned earlier makes reference to undergarments which take the sting out of butt-fumes. Maybe you should check that out. Personally I think they should put charcoal in couches, sofas and office furniture to absorb any malodorous air which escapes a charged sphincter.

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Q: Why do my farts smell so bad and my fiances farts don't smell at all when we eat the same food as each other all the time?
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Why do farts smell good?

Uhm they dont

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Have you ever smelled a wet pile of sh*t? they smell very similar.

Is having hot farts possible?

i dont really know what you mean by "hot farts" either the temperature hot or the sexy kind of farts but i dont think that is possible to have a sexy hot fart but it is possible to have temp. hot farts.

Farts suppose to smell bad?

I dont know go eat some beans wait a little bit and fart and then smell it and then tell me OR! you can come here press your face to my butt and ill fart and then you tell me if its stinky.

Do Farts Have Lups?

if you meant lumps then no no they dont

Do all farts create noises?

Dude haven't u ever (they dont let me swear here sukxx) farted !! u should know darl and for some reason if u have never farted then i will let u know Frist fart they dont make nosie but has to worst smell everrr! u dont want to smell it Second one does make noise (unfortunatly ) but no smell :)

How do you cure bad farts?

dont go to school

What are the microbes in cheese?

yes by mold and other things

Why does my mom fart on me?

it is very normal for people to fart so it does not change when your mother farts it might seem strange at first so you might as well get used to it but if you have a mother that thinks farts are just horride she is far from normal fart are human nature if you think YOU dont FART you a flat out LIEING everyone farts i DONT care what you say every one farts EVERYONE

How did James found out Bella was human?

by her smell. she smells like blood because she has blood running through her veins. The Cullens o any other vampire dont. So they dont smell the same.

If you dont burp does it become a fart?

Burps and farts are categorized differently. Both of them are amounts of air that you swallow while eating. Then they come back out. However, the main difference is, burps come out the top, farts come out the bottom. Plus, farts tend to smell worse.

What are the major improvements in the automobile since 1769?

they dont run on donkey farts anymore