

Why do narwhals live in arctic waters?

Updated: 9/24/2023
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9y ago

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they like the cold and the salt water

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Vincent Hilpert

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Q: Why do narwhals live in arctic waters?
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Do narwhals only live in the north pole?

Narwhals live in the Canadian and Greenlandic Arctic waters.

Why do narwhals live in the Arctic waters?

they like the cold and the salt water

Do narwhals live in the Arctic?

Yes, narwhals live in the Arctic. They frequent the waters off the Canadian and Russian Arctic and Greenland. They rarely can be found south of 65 degrees north latitude.

What is the domain of a narwhal?

Narwhals live in the Arctic waters of Canada, Russia, Norway, and Greenland.

Which oceans do narwhals live in?

Narwhals generally live in the Arctic and North Atlantic Oceans. They tend to only live in the upper, sunlit zone of those areas. If they go lower down, that's generally because they're going on a foray for food.

What country do narwhals live near?

Narwhals live in Arctic waters. They therefore may be found off the coasts of the Arctic portions of northern Canada and of northern Russia. They also may be found off the coast of Iceland, Greenland, and the Arctic islands north of Scotland.

Why do narwhals live in the Antarctic?

There are no Narwhals in Antarctic waters.

What is the narwhal's habitat?

Narwhals only live in the Arctic ocean.

Are narwhals native to Australia?

No. Narwhals are not native to Australia. Australia is in the southern hemisphere, and narwhals are native to the waters of the Arctic and the North Atlantic, which are in the northern hemisphere.

What country is the Narwhal from?

Narwhals are found primarily in Canadian Arctic and Greenlandic waters

In what ocean zone do narwhals live?

Narwhals live in the upper, sunlit zone of the Arctic and North Atlantic Ocean waters. It ventures down into the middle zone and even the topmost part of the lower zone. But these are merely forays for food.

Where do narwhal migrate?

Narwhals migrate to the shallower of the Arctic waters in summer. There, the aquatic fare is plenteous and easy to chase. But the pickings are fewer with the end of the summer season. So narwhals migrate to the deeper of the Arctic waters in winter. There, the aquatic fare requires deep diving in order to be caught and eaten.