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because 'emo' kids tend to dress a certain way and feel a certain way. They tend to feel depressed and some people take advantage of this. Also to normal people emo guys look like girls and another reason is that alot of emo kids are bisexual, pansexual, lesbian, or gay and normal people don't like that they can express themselves better than them. or they could just be dickheads.

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Q: Why do normal kids pick on emo kids?
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Are there emo kids in Kalispell Mt?

Yes, there are many emo kids in Kalispell.

Can black kids be emo?

yes, black kids can be emo. gothic as well. seen it on festivals

Are there 10 year old emo kids?

Yeaa you could find some. Those kids normally have older siblings that are emos, or have an emo parent that raised their kids as emo's... lol!

What does emo mean in relation to a middle school age girl?

The word "emo" usually refers to a certain clique. They are normally more emotional kids, hence the less lengthy word "emo". They have been known to wear tighter clothing than the normal population.

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Well farnell has more Emo kids and Webb has fewer Emo kids but Webb has like more scene-y and rocker-y type kids so yeah.

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Can kids become emo?

If they want.

Is Emo-punk the same as scene?

The style is the same but the difference seems to be attitude...scene kids are all about the look, emo kids are all about the attitude. Emo chicks are pretty hot.

Emo normal cut are you?

Of cut by emo? From however cutting normality is yes.

Is it normal to be 11 and be emo?

when your 11 you can't be emo. it's stupid to think you can be.

Who are the cops that pick up kids that skip school?

Truancy officers or school resource officers are typically responsible for picking up kids who skip school. They work to ensure students attend school regularly and may intervene when students are frequently absent.

Why do people think that emo kids cut themselves because they dont trust me.?

Some people may mistakenly believe that individuals who identify as emo cut themselves due to a lack of trust. However, self-harm, including cutting, is a complex issue that can stem from various factors such as mental health struggles, emotional distress, or a coping mechanism for dealing with overwhelming feelings. It is important to approach such topics with empathy, understanding, and support rather than judgment or assumptions.