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Q: Why do oranges grow in warm countries?
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What countries grow oranges?

Hot Countries like Spain grow oranges.

How do you get Florida oranges year round?

Since Florida is so warm all year round the climate says that it is warm enough to grow the oranges all year round.

Do oranges grow in Scotland?

No. Ireland is not warm enough.

Are oranges grown in the Netherlands?

Oranges grow well in warm temperatures, so depends. I am not sure if the Netherlands are cold or not.

What climate do you grow oranges in?

sub tropic ... actually just warm climate with a proper water supply. Oranges are grown in CA, AZ and TX in the USA and those are NOT sub-tropic climates.

How did it come about that the English who grow no oranges developed a tradition for orange marmalade almost unknown in the countries that do grow oranges?

The English occupied a lot of countries where oranges grew, but it was hard to transport these oranges back to England without a lot of spoilage. The oranges that started to rot while underway, where cooked up with sugar and put into jars, which could be kept longer.

How do you grow grapefruit?

They grow on trees, just like oranges and lemons.

Can you eat oranges in winter season?

Oranges are a tropical fruit. They enjoy warm weather and do not grow in cold climates. However, with today's technology and transportation systems, we can enjoy delicious oranges year-round by simply going to a market and buying them.

Where was oranges imported form?

Oranges are grown in many countries that enjoy a warm climate. California (USA), Israel, Spain, and many more areas round the Mediterranean.

What do you call a place where oranges grow?

Oranges grow in a grove.

What condition does the papaya grow in?

the papaya grown in warm mediteranean countries mostly the tropical ones they grow in warm or cool places

Do you grow oranges on trees?

Yes, oranges grow on orange trees.