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In order to perpetuate the species (make more Pandas). :)

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Q: Why do pandas give birth?
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Related questions

What kind of babies do pandas have?

Pandas will give birth to baby pandas.

Are pandas oviparous?

Pandas give birth to live young. There are no eggs laid.Pandas are viviparous.

Do pandas and koalas give birth to babies or lay eggs?

Pandas and koalas both give birth to live young. Pandas are placental mammals and koalas are marsupials; these are the two types of mammals which give live birth. The only mammals which lay eggs are monotremes, and the only monotremes in the world are the platypus and the echidna.

Do male and female pandas have babies?

The only female pandas give birth.

Are pandas mammels?

Yes! Pandas give birth, are wam blooded and has fur.

How are pandas offspring born alive or eggs?

Pandas are mammals, they give birth to live young.

Do red pandas lay eggs or gibe birth to live young?

Red Pandas are a Mammal therefore they Give birth to live young :)

When do female red pandas give birth?

Yes they do. Because they are mammals they give live birth. NOT eggs. That would be weird.

How many pandas are born a day?

Female giant pandas give birth between 95 and 160 days after mating

Is a panda born live or hatched from a egg?

Pandas are mammals. They give live birth.

How are pandas and dolphins the same?

They are both mammals. And another examples is that they both give birth to live young.

How many cubs do red pandas give birth to each year?

They generally have two but, rarely, can have up to four.