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They want to spread as fast as possible.

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Q: Why do parasites produce large amounts of eggs?
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you need a large cup so that you can put a large amounts of eggs in it you need a large cup so that you can put a large amounts of eggs in it

What do large parasites look like?

Large parasites such as intestinal worms are easily seen with the naked eye. These are roundworms, flukes, and tapeworms. They usually lay their eggs on the intestinal walls.

What insect lays tiny red eggs in large amounts?

that would be termites

Can parasites lay eggs?

they do because they lay eggs which turn into larvae etc...

What are the differences between oviparous and viviparous parasites?

Oviparous parasites lay eggs outside of the host's body, while viviparous parasites give birth to live young inside the host. Oviparous parasites often release eggs into the environment where they can infect new hosts, while viviparous parasites transfer live offspring directly to the host during reproduction.

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the large amount of stool is used.. it is easy to find eggs of intestinal parasites..

What are the produce in the ovaries?

Ovaries produce eggs.

Why do some animals produce 1000 of eggs and some only a few?

Beacause different animals produce and lay or have differnet things and different amounts. That's how science works.

What is the purpose of the ova and parasites test?

The ova and parasites test is performed to look for and identify intestinal parasites and their eggs in persons with symptoms of gastrointestinal infection.

A frog produces hundreds of eggs in a pond but a human female produces only one egg each month explain this difference?

Frogs are completely different from mammals like humansd, they have an external fertilisation wich allows the frog to produce large amounts of eggs since they develop outside of their body.

What is the primary limiting factor that determines why no female animal can produce a very large number of very large eggs?

there are energy constraints

Why do fish produce large numbers of young?

Because the eggs will be eaten while they are the egss and will not survive so fish produce a large number of young to guarntee a good survival chance.