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Freezing, and ice wedging.

Water freezes and refreezes expanding under the road and in the cracks.

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Q: Why do paved roads damage more in the winter rather than in the summer?
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Related questions

What was the advantages of paved roads?

Animals could pull wagons of goods farther and faster.

What problem did the use of paved roads solve?

Paved roads made cars for example more fuel efficient since they use less power to go though something flat rather than something like dirt and rocks. Think of it when you ride a bicycle would you prefer to ride your bicycle on the grass, dirt and rocks or in the paved roads? well I'm hoping you said paved roads because in the paved roads you would use less energy.

This road should be better paved. What is the verb phrase?

should be paved. Better is an adverb

Why does the tar on a newly paved road tar get sticky on a hot summer day?

Because in summer the sun shines brighter and it is the hotest season so the tar melts slightly and soon goes sticky.

Is paved an adjective?

Yes, paved can be used as an adjective -- a paved road. It's also the past tense and past participle of pave.

Is there more friction on a dirt road or a paved road?

On a paved road.

What is a paved area next to a building called?

paved area next to a buildin

When driving from an unpaved to paved surface on the airfield failure to conduct a Foreign Object Damage FOD check will result in suspension of flight line driving privileges for how many days?


How many miles of paved roads are there in the US?

There are roughly 4.1 million miles of paved roads in the United States.

In 1910 phuket became the first place in Thailand to have paved roads?

Paved Roads

Which country of the Sahel has the fewest paved roads?

Chad has the fewest paved roads in Sahel.

What US state has the most miles of paved roads?

Texas has the most miles of paved roads, i believe it's somewhere around 250,000 miles of paved roads