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Q: Why do penguins have dark coloured feathers on their backs?
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What are all the colors of penguins?

Penguins -- all 17 or more kinds -- grow feathers for warmth and for camouflage. Most penguins have dark, even black backs, so that when viewed underwater from above, they blend into the benthos. As well, most penguins have white chests, for the same reason: when viewed from below while underwater, they blend into the light. There are also orange, yellow, red, burgundy and other coloured markings on some penguins. You can read more about penguins, below.

How do penguins keep warn?

They have a thick layer of fat under their skin which provides insulation helping them to keep warm. Their dark coloured feathers absorb heat from the sun, this also helps to keep them warm.

How do rockhopper penguins adapt to their habitat?

Rockhopper penguins have adapted to their habitat by having webbed feet that help with swimming. They also have dark feathers that absorb heat and help to keep them warm.

Why do penguins have white fronts and black backs?

Many sea creatures have dark backs and pale undersides. When they're swimming, predators (or prey) below them will have a hard time seeing their white fronts against the light coming from above, while predators (or prey) that are above them will have a hard time seeing their dark backs against the dark water below them. This is a form of countershading.

Why are penguins considered as birds?

The characteristics of a bird is that is has feathers as its outer covering ,beak ,wings.The ability to fly is actually an exception. Most birds can fly while some bird's can't. Penguin is one of those exceptions which can't fly. Other examples will be ostrich and emu.

What is dark colored and light colored?

Black is dark coloured and white is light coloured

How does penguins offence?

Emperor penguins are exposed to the threat of predators when they are foraging for food, such as fish and crustaceans in the water. The Emperor penguin's main predator is the leopard seal. The color of the penguin's feathers helps them to avoid being detected by predators when they are underwater. If a predator looks down on an emperor penguin, the dark feathers on its back help it to blend-in with the dark depths of the ocean below. If a predator is swimming below and looks up, the white feathers on the penguin's body help to camouflage it against the sky above the surface of the water. Speed is also an important defence for emperor penguins. Underwater, they can swim at speeds of up to 9.3 miles per hour.

Can penguins see in the dark?

no no

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The chinstrap penguin adapts to its environment by Pooing. The snow is dark, because the chinstrap has made a mess. it has feathers so it can attack other penguins it fights with female penguin.

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