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People rebel because they feel like their authority is incorrect. They rebel so that they can show their authority that they dont agree with what they have done, and can tell them another way of how the problem should be solved.

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Q: Why do people Rebel against society?
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Who rebel against government?

people who rebel in the government and in the society are those people whose voices,opinions and rights(human rights) are not heard by the government .. so they rebel so that their needs,opinions and rights will be heard by the government and can help them and support them in their needs

How do you be a rebel?

Be difficult to get along with, go against the fabric and rules of society.

What is the definition of renegades?

People who rebel against authority.

What is an illegitimate government?

If people rebel against it.

A person who speaks out against the government or expresses an opinion that differs from that held by the general society?


Why is sociology created with revolutions?

Sociology is the study of people in societies. This question makes no sense. You cannot have a revolution unless you have a society/culture to rebel against. If people decide the society they live in is not in their best interest, they revolt against it, and a new society can be created. Sociology studies revolutions (and other social movements) it can't create them.

Why did the Israelite tribes rebel against Rehoboam?

Why did the Israelite tribes rebel against Rehoboam ? Because the people wanted to avoid higher taxes and harsh treatment.

Should people rebel against God's command to multiply and fill the earth?

People should not rebel against Gods command to multiply and fill the Earth. The bible clearly says rebellion is a sin.

Who were the people involved in the Philippine revolution?

The Philippine American war had Rebel Filipinos fighting against other Rebel Filipinos and against the US Forces, The Philippine constabulary and the Philippine Scouts.

What soldier is a rebel?

rebel is a person who goes against his/her superiors. A rebel soldier would rebel against his/her country's army or organization. MistroJoe

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According to Locke people have the right to rebel against or abolish the government when it?

Does not protect people's "natural" rights.