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lol because everyones probably scared of the serious this ones been answered too...whaddya say about that?

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Q: Why do people answer some questions but not the serious ones?
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Why don't people ask fun questions to answer?

Some people do. Some folks here are looking for answers for homework, some to satisfy curiosity, and some for fun. Some questions are serious, and some are downright funny. If you look at enough questions, I think you will find I am right.

Are you serious in all your answers to the questions asked?

Personally, I only give serious answers. There are some people who prefer to make jokes, although that is not the purpose of this site.

Why do people suck at posting answers im pretty sure that these people should not have access to the internet?

Well not all people do. Some people are actually serious with asking and answering questions.------------------------------well there is different metals you can ear. up to gold i think, some people are serious. some people just want to have fun!

Can WikiAnswers actually help the people?

Yes it can. Most of the questions are answered properly, and it makes information searching easy. ---- I think it can. It depends on the questions asked, though. There are people who ask serious questions to get serious answers. Some just want odd information or how to locate things. Some young people ask questions about life, health care, homework or friendships. I've noticed people asking how to repair things. Others ask Bible-based questions. I think some can be helped. I'm a 'compulsive' helper and I've been helped. There are, however, immature or infantile-minded people who abuse this site to type vulgar, perverted questions. Some don't even ask questions; they just submit nonsense. These are the same type of people who write on the walls in the bathroom. It's obvious that these people don't "have a life" as they say. Just ignore them; they'll go away and the 'janitor' will clean the walls.

Who has answered the most questions on answers com?

most people who answer are not apart of this website some people usual are serious but some joke around so stop going to websites like this and start going to google and yahoo

Do floods happen in the U.K.?

yep not as bad as in some countries but there have been some serious ones recently.

Are knowledgeable people answering the questions?

Anyone can answer questions on WikiAnswers. So some people who answer them are knowledgeable, and some are not.

Why are you writing all these things?

because unlike you obviously some people have questions but dont know where to find the answers quit taking up serious peoples valuable time

Why is it that sometimes this site can not answer your questions?

It is not the site that can not answer some of your questions it is the people.

Is funny?

No it's all just business. Though some questions might bring a chuckle, the Supervisors who answer try to treat most questions as if it is 100% serious and deserve a serious answer. However, you will occasionally see a Lighter Side answer.

What is the noun in this sentence Some people in the group ask questions?

There are three nouns. People, group, and questions are nouns. Questions is a plural noun.

What are some ditry questions?

some are dirty because people have questions about dirty stuff so they ask