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Because at that age 20 year olds should be mature i think its nothing wrong with it but some adults feel like other adults should be an ADULT get it?

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Q: Why do people assume that 20 year olds should stop watching cartoons?
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Why should people stop watching mainly cartoons by the age of 18?

people are weird

Why do people think you act like a child if you enjoy watching cartoons everyday as a 21 year old adult?

cartoons were made for little children. but that does not stop you from watching them. Answer Watching cartoons would be a childlike activity for a 21 year old if he/she is watching them during the day when most work or go to school. It should not be interfering with what you should be doing.

Why do people laugh at a 24 year old guy who enjoys watching cartoons everyday?

At 24 most people would expect you to have a job and be busy doing stuff. In my opinion, it depends on the cartoon. If, for example, it was a mature anime I would assume most people would take this as a hobby but if it was a children's cartoon, most people would probably find this strange. The world is changing though and I think that more people are hanging on to childhood favorites. (like an adult who is still in love with Elmo or similar). I think that the reason people would laugh is not really that you watch cartoons, it's that you watch them everyday when society believes at that age you should be working or studying. And if they still laugh at you watching cartoons, I say don't let it get to you. Everyone has a hobby, yours could be watching cartoons - understandable.

Should you be ashamed of watching cartoons everyday as a 21 year old guy?

No , there's no age restriction upon viewing cartoons .

Why should people stop watching only cartoons by the age of 18 and over?

I know huh, that's what happens when you watch sitcoms and dramas

Why do people over 18 think watching cartoons is bad?

well.......I guess they think you should go out and play or something (totally disagree)

Why do people assume that you should man up by not watching cartoons?

Cartoons are usually graphically designed so that they may steer clear of reality (unreal objects, unreal values, unreal tactics), while facing reality and life's responsibilities is much more pragmatic and manlike. "Adult swim" cartoons are most always watched by unemployed men or teenagers trying to kill time, while children's cartoons have too much fantasy and little moral.

Why does your friend who is a girl think that you should man up since you watch cartoons?

because if your turning older you have to man up, and that means not watching cartoons . but cartoons are made for children, duhh (:

Why Should 18 Year Olds Stop Watching Cartoons?

As long as you like watching them, and you find them entertaining, of course not! If your friends disapprove, then they are not true friends. I am still watching power rangers! Keep on Watching!

When will the adults realize that watching only cartoons is not a bad thing?

never they dont understand life. They should get one.

Should youtube exist?

It probably shouldn't. Sometime it's very inappropriate. But, on the other hand it can be useful for watching cartoons and such

Is it haram for a 20 year old Muslim to watch cartoons daily?

It is not inherently haram for a 20 year old Muslim to watch cartoons daily. However, it is important to ensure that the content of the cartoons aligns with Islamic principles and values. Moderation and balance in all activities, including watching cartoons, is key.