

Why do people become pedophiles?

Updated: 9/6/2023
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7y ago

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People do not typically "become" pedophiles, they realize that they have pedophilia over time. No one knows what causes pedophilia, or what causes pedophiles to be sexually attracted to children, though Dr. James Cantor has done extensive fMRI research into brain differences in pedophilic and non-pedophilic persons.

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7y ago
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14y ago

This is a long and complicated question. Go get a book on it and read up. Some reasons can include feelings of empowerment, overwhelming sexual cravings and many other more complicated reasons.

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7y ago

Pedophilia is classified as a sexual orientation by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-V). Pedophilia is separate from pedophilic disorder, a distinction meant to indicate that people can have the attraction but not the interpersonal difficulties that would make it a mental disorder. Pedophilia is what makes people pedophiles.

Some pedophiles are exclusive, meaning that they are only attracted to children, and some are non-exclusive, meaning they are also attracted to peers or other age groups. No one knows what causes pedophilia, or why it develops in some people but not in others, though researchers like James Cantor have found physical differences in the brains of pedophilic people as compared to non-pedophilic people. Pedophilia does not cause people to sexually abuse children, as sexual abuse is motivated by a wide variety of factors concerning the abuser's choice to abuse.

Pedophilia is also unrelated to peter pan complex. Comorbid disorders cited in the DSM-V are depression, bipolar, substance use, and anxiety disorders, as well as antisocial personality disorder and other paraphilic disorders. The DSM-V notes that comorbid disorders are more frequently found in those with offenses against children, more commonly called preferential offenders, and that these other disorders are not generalizable to non-offending pedophiles.

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12y ago
  • Pedophiles have a 'Peter Pan Complex' (never grew up) and in some cases they can be childlike regarding their personality. The main reason is that children are easier to manipulate than mature males or females. It is not about the touching or in many cases the sexual act, but total control over their victim. The Pedophile can threaten a child in many cases that 'it's a secret between them' often plying the child with toys or, some Pedophiles will threaten the child by telling them they will hurt someone in their family if they tell.
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What do all pedophiles have in common?

They have pedophilia, as pedophiles are people with pedophilia. No joke.

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As pedophilia is not a crime, and pedophiles are people with pedophilia, there is no mandatory sentence for pedophiles in any state of the United States.

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One does not lead to the other nor are they related. Voyeurs like to watch people. Pedophiles like children.

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Pedophiles are people with pedophilia, which is not a crime.

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Yes. Gay people are not pedophiles.

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Pedophiles are people with pedophilia, and there is no correlation between family genetic markers and the development of pedophilia. So no, pedophiles do not typically have children who also develop pedophilia.

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The vast majority of gay men are not pedophiles, just as the vast majority of straight men are not pedophiles.

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There are no solid statistics on the number of people with pedophilia, so it is impossible to know which race contains the most pedophiles.

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The department responsible for investigating child pedophiles is typically called the Special Victims Unit (SVU) or the Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) unit. They focus on crimes involving child abuse, exploitation, and child pornography.