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It is a book made by men, but with the inspiration of GOD. It is better than other Hindu scriptures that is just a myth, with all fake stories in it.

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Q: Why do people believe in the bible if it's a book made by men?
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Well we are not made from monkeys sciencetist believe that but we were made from God. You see in the bible in the first book of the bible in Genesis it says how God made us.Oh and get a Seventh Day Adventist bible. God Bless You All who reads this.

Is the bible a fairy tale book?

Short answer: no. The Bible is a christian religious text made up of different books written by various people.

What does the bible mean to some people?

Depending on the interpretation of the question, there are two answers... 'The Bible', to some people, means a collection of books compiled, which constitutes the scriptural writings of the Christian religion. The actual book itself means very different things to different people. Rather than limiting the answer to 'some people', I'll highlight multiple noteworthy groups. Christians believe that the Bible is the word of God. They believe that through following its teaching, we can get to know God, be forgiven of our sins, and go to Heaven. Muslims believe that Christians are incorrect in their belief in the Bible, but that Jesus (a Bible character) is a great prophet (i.e. Muslims should listen to Jesus' teachings, but ignore his claim to be the Son of God). Atheists believe that the Bible is a man-made book with no founding in reality. This is a collection of just some of the groups in which you might be interested. I might advise looking into each one's beliefs about the Bible in more detail, as the answer given here is unlikely to satisfy you.

What was the first book known to be made?

the bible

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The Bible. Because it was the frist book made to

Where slaves made to believe in the holly bible?


What do Muslims think about the Bible?

Muslims believe bible was the book of God delivered onto Jesus and moses (old testiment) however in the passing times due to translations (herbew->latin->English) meaning has changed in bible moreover additions has been made in bible thus making it difficult to differentiate truth (given by God) and additions (made by humans) though Christians believe that Muslims have added to the qur'an as well.

Why is the bible a book of faith?

the bible is a book of faith because IT TEACHES US about our religion. some parts of the bible for example the story of Johna and the whale are not true. they are made to get a point across about our faith. it also explains the lives of very important church history people. we based our beliefs in the bible

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The Bible.

What was the name of the first book that was ever made?


What is the oldest book made of paper?

The Bible. ...for further clarifacation search the "gutenburg bible."