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Q: Why do people confuse trolling and bullying?
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To be fair, trolling existed long before the internet; we just called it "bullying" and "harassment" then. I mean, we still call it bullying and harassment, but the Internet opened up a whole new way for people to be awful to one another.

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It's for people annoy you, just tell them to Stop Trolling For Unicorns or STFU for short.

How come this doesn't have the right answers?

Actually, there are many right answers on this site. Others are simply the result of guessing and they are honest mistakes. Then there are a few that are trolling or bullying.

What type of bullying is it called when you are bullying gay people?

It is called homophobic bullying or homophobia.

What does trolling mean in ict?

when people trol the internet looking for arguements

What is peer bullying?

It is bullying by people in the same age group as you. It is basically the type of bullying that we have all come to know as just 'bullying'

Are people addicted to bullying?

some people cant help bullying after they have done it for so long =]

How many people have been affecteed by bullying in schools?

alot of people is getting hurt from bullying

How do you keep on trolling?

Trolling, you're doin' it right!

Who researches bullying?

People who researches bullying do it for the information they do not have a name for what it is for example I research bullying but i do it for the information to educate others

Can you give me a sentence with the word trolling?

He was trolling for fish with his grandpa.

Who causes bullying?
