

Why do people eat powder?

Updated: 11/10/2022
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18y ago

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People who eat non-food items have a condition called Pica. A common variant of Pica is a compulsion to eat chalk, coal, baking powder, talc or other items with a powdery texture. While Pica is not necessarily harmful, it can be, (baking powder isn't going to kill you, but talc might!) so if you are exhibiting symptoms, you should see your doctor. Pica tends to run in families and becomes pronounced during pregnancy. (Two members of my family who weren't Pica sufferers got cravings for coal during their pregnancies. After they had the babies they were both fine again.) Pica can sometimes be a signal that a certain mineral is missing from your diet, which is why your body manufactures the cravings. Take a look at what you are eating and see if you are getting enough calcium, zinc, iron, etc. Pica is sometimes linked to emotional problems. Neglected children sometimes develop Pica, as do anorexics. However, just because a person has Pica does NOT necessarily mean they are neglected or have low self-image. In conclusion: * See your doctor * Ask if anybody else in your family has it * If the symptoms appeared suddenly, take a pregnancy test :-) * Check your diet for mineral deficiencies * Try to satisfy the cravings with food items, not dangerous chemicals!

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