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people go on religious journeys to feel closer to what they are worshiping and what they believe when your worshiping you feel a certain happiness and you feel like all your wrong doing have been taken away and forgiven. not bad for a 14 year old :D

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In Islam, they journey to the city of Mecca.

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Q: Why do people go on religious journeys?
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Who went on a pilgrimage?

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Medieval pilgrims were people who went on journeys or trips to distant places of religious importance. Such trips were called pilgrimages and people who go on a pilgrimage are called pilgrims.

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A pilgrim is a person who journeys to a sacred place for religious reasons.

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A pilgrim could be anything, occupation wise. Pilgrims were (are) people who made journeys to visit sites of religious importance.

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Yes. In fact, they go through something called confirmation.

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According to the narrator in the Canterbury Tales, people especially want to go on pilgrimages when spring comes. It is a popular time for spiritual journeys to religious sites, such as the one described in the story on their way to Canterbury Cathedral.

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The official definition of the word pilgrim is "a person who journeys to a sacred place for religious reasons."

What is a religious pilgrimmage?

when religious people go/fight for the right of they religion xoxo romeo boy

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How was Hermes worshiped?

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What did people eat on long journeys?

On long journeys, people ate low-weight, high caloric foods. These were dried meats, dried fruits, seeds and nuts.