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I don't really think that most people hate cops. Just as with other things, there is a small and violent minority that considers cops the enemy. Not to say that all cops are angels of course. I have been discriminated against myself by cops in the past... but most of them are trying to do good, and keep the peace. And even if you have had a bad experience with a cop, you don't automatically want to shoot one. That's just ludicrous, and evil.

As to the whole "why" part... it is the same question as to why someone would hate a Jew, a Muslim, a black person, harm a child, rape a woman, or shoot up a classroom. People have bad experiences in life sometimes, and instead of accepting that as a part of life, taking responsibility for our own emotions and moving on, many of us find it easier to find a scapegoat to blame everything bad on.

Some people will hate Jews and say they are the root of all problems. For other people it will be women, or religion, or Atheism, or immigrants, or terrorists, or cops, or criminals, or politicians, or used car salesmen, or banks, or rich people, or poor people, or whatever. The real, core question is why can't we find ways to build on common ground and help each other rather than hating and blaming each other?

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Q: Why do people hate cops so much and shoot them like in Carbondale?
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