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They don't hate the sibling, they just don't like what they do. It's impossible to hate your sibling unless your brother is Unicron who doesn't exist so in other words, it's darn impossible.

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4w ago

People may feel hatred towards their siblings due to competition for attention, jealousy, unresolved conflicts, or differences in personalities and values. Personal experiences and family dynamics can also contribute to strained relationships between siblings.

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Q: Why do people hate their siblings?
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Do you like to annoy people?

Nope. It's a dumb thing to do. I hate it when people think "Pie" or "Bob" is funny. -___- They'll say it over and over again and it's not funny whatsoever. So don't annoy people, unless you'll want people like me to hate you. -__________- I only annoy people who annoy me, and of those people who annoy me, I only annoy the people with high IQ.

Why do skinny people hate fat people?

It is not accurate to say that all skinny people hate fat people. It is important to avoid generalizations and assumptions about individuals based on their body size. It is more productive to focus on promoting body positivity, acceptance, and respect for all body types.

What do you call people who hate the disabled?

People who hate or discriminate against individuals with disabilities are often referred to as ableists. Ableism is a form of discrimination that devalues people based on their abilities or perceived lack thereof.

Should people hate people?

No, hate is a strong and destructive emotion that can lead to conflict and harm. It is important to foster understanding, empathy, and compassion towards others, even those we may disagree with or have different beliefs.

Why do people hate pollution?

People hate pollution because it has negative impacts on health, the environment, and quality of life. Pollution can lead to respiratory problems, damage ecosystems, contaminate water sources, and contribute to climate change. It also poses a threat to wildlife and can harm biodiversity.

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