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First, it should be noted that ALL presidents have their supporters and detractors. President Bush and President Obama have both been very polarizing figures. What follows are comments from our contributors. Some contain false assertions and political talking points (yes the president DOES have a valid birth certificate, for example), but these are opinions, and should be taken as such, whether they are for Mr. Obama or against him.


Some people have animosity because they have heard on right-wing talk radio and TV that Barack Obama is a socialist, a communist, a secret Muslim, or not born in America. None of this is true, but if you hear it often enough, you may come to believe it. Also, some people are very upset at having a black president, while others think he is "too liberal." We are very polarized as a country and many people prefer to believe stereotypes and myths rather than looking at what President Obama is actually doing. It seems sometimes that no matter what he says or does, a certain group of people will automatically criticize it.


Mainly because many the policies he is implementing is hurting America as a whole. Think about it we have an administration that passed a Health care bill without the majority approval. Abortion is " Above My Pay Grade" Hello ? Won't show his Birth certificate. Why is he special? Waited 70 days after oil spill to accept help from other countries on the clean up when help was offered 3 days after the spill. Too many HATE America friends! not upholding the law on the case of New Black Panthers and a prejudice DOJ . Actually the question should be " Why would any American like this President?" Maybe the people that don't watch whats going on.


All political leaders have their critics; you can't please everyone. I have heard so many political pundits and read many political opinions over the decades, I've watched plenty of what goes on, and most of them have one thing in common (pro and con), their "facts" are one dimensional or superficial and they are, after all, just opinions.

If you take just one issue, for example from the above answer, and track down all the objective details you can about it without a preconceived idea of what you will find, you will find that the talk has little connection to the reality of an issue, or that it is even a real issue. Politics by its very nature doesn't often operate in the real world because it's more important how something sounds than what actually is.

When it comes to politics, passions can run high and rhetoric will fill the headlines. Although I've done my homework, keep in mind that these answers are still opinions.

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Q: Why do people have animosity against the President?
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