

Why do people kill dogs?

Updated: 11/16/2022
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11y ago

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Some kill dogs because:

1. Disobedience or frustration. The dogs don't listen to their masters when they tell them to do something.

2. Psychopathy/cruelty. The owners are psychopaths or abusers.

3. Dog fighting. Some don't kill them directly, but set them up to be killed in dog fights. Sometimes sore losers of dog fights kill their own dogs.

4. Mercy killing. Some kill dogs out of mercy, such as if they are very old, terminally ill, or in severe pain.

5. Self-Defense. Some kill dogs that are attacking them, their loved ones, or children. Some do so because the dog has end-stage rabies and is a public health risk.

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10y ago

dogs sometimes kill people as there are many high-pitched noises everywhere, hence disturbing them and they get mad and eventually kill the nearest person they find.

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