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Because people like to have definitive answers - right or wrong - and something like the weather cannot have one. So at least this way they get something to complain about.

Plus, people are kind of dumb.

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Q: Why do people listen to a groundhog to tell us what the weather will be?
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Why is Groundhog Day so important and why can't weather people tell us if it will be spring soon or six more weeks of winter?

because it is just a fun way to tell you that six more weeks of winter

How the radio is an impact in peoples lives?

It helps people know how the weather is like or instead of watching a game you can listen or in tornado it will tell you when it starting or when it has ended!

Is the groundhog on Groundhog Day real?

No ground hogs day is not real because scientist that are called Meteorologist study the weather for a period of time and when they come to the conclusion of whether it is six more weeks of winter or an early spring and then when the mayor picks up the groundhog the meteorologists tell him threw a mini microphone the answer

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Why does a groundhog have to see its shadow?

to tell if its winter or summer

Why is weather unpredictable?

People cant tell the future

How do you overcome being stubborn?

try to slowly listen and do what people tell you and then soon you will learn to listen and obey naturally

How do people in space know when the weather changes?

There is no weather in space. Weather is something that occurs in the atmosphere of a planet. The people in space can tell the weather on Earth by looking at the cloud formations below them.

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too tell people the weather

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To tell people the weather.

How do people tell the weather?

well believe it or not you can tell the weather by sending a big balloon up into the air and when it comes down the ailiens write a letter to say what the weather looks like because i am a weather scientist.

What kind of work a meteorologist do?

Meteorologist are the people you see on the news who talk about the weather. They study the weather and tell you estimated upcoming weather.