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The spicy reaction has to do with the chemical called capsaicin causing the sensation of heat in the mouth. The body interprets this as part of the body getting hotter, so to maintain homeostasis the sweat glands start to release sweat in order for the body to cool down. So the spicy food is fooling your body into thinking it's too hot. That's why people in hotter climates like spicy food, because it helps them stay cooler.

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Does Irish People eat spicy food?

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No. If anything, spicy foods are shown in studies to REDUCE the risk of heart attack and stroke. If anything, some people get indigestion from spicy foods...which can FEEL like a heart attack.

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When you eat spicy foods, they often produce a lot of stomach acid. Stomach acid can give you a stomach ache.

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Sugar does not cut spicy foods. However it may disguise the spice a little. Dairy cuts spicy foods better.

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They don't like spicy, sour, or bitter foods. They love sweet foods, but it's bad for them just like candy is bad for people.

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It seems that Sephardim (Eastern Jews) typically have spicy foods more often than Ashkenazim (European Jews). Other than that, I'm not sure any generalizations could be made.

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What percentage of people eat spicy hot foods?

Many people have different taste about spicy things. Like some people only like a little but people like me eat alot.

Is pepperoni spicy?

if you are extremely weak when it comes to spicy foods, it can be.

Is eating too much hot and spicy foods unhealthy?

For some people, hot foods are really good. For others, they are not.

When can you eat spicy foods when you have a tongue ring?

Lay off of spicy foods for about 2 weeks after getting the piercing.

Why is tunisan food spicy?

Spicy foods originated in several areas for one of two reasons. First, hot spices in food cause people to perspire which cools the body so in hot regions hot and spicy became popular. Other spices can disguise the taste of bad cuts of meat or meat that is beginning to go bad so areas where meat couldn't be stored properly, spices made it edible. Tunisia is quite hot so maybe that's why spices are popular.