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People say like that, cause they think their soo soo hungry. They are then really hungry, and a horse is like HUGE, so they think they could eat a horse, since their so hungry. Easy.

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Q: Why do people say I'm so hungry you can eat a horse?
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Someone would say this when they are exaggerating how hungry they are.

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id say they do cuz if they were very hungry what would they eat

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because they want you to eat so you don't beg for food later. plus they get mad because sometimes you want to play with your friends but they want you to eat, and when you say your not hungry that sometimes gets them really angry so the next time they ask you are you hungry the best thing to do is to say yes.

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It depends on how hungry they are on average though i would say 30 if there not that hungry or if there super hungry 60. 27 people

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I'd say you are nauseated.

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when i eat, most people get full...but i dont. i dont have any full feeling. im either hungry, or sick... some people and doctors say yes, it is.others say they dont know what it is... so im a bit confused