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It is the media's fault. Also the fact that when people buy a Pitbull, it's usually for illegal dog-fighting. Dog fighting can make this dog agressive to humans because the dog is mistreated, making it scared of humans.

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Q: Why do people say pitbulls are bad dog when they are not?
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Are pitbulls the most friendly dog?

yes people say the dog is mean and should be put down but its a friendly dog its only mean on how its raised it has nothing to do with the dog itself :)

Are pitbulls awesome?

Of course, like any breed, Pit Bulls can make amazing pets. This is the World's most misunderstood breed, thanks to the media and stereotyping. Any breed of dog can make excellent pets - IF YOU LOOK AFTER THEM! No dog is born bad; it is us who make them that way.

What kind of tempermant does a pitbull have?

In my experience, Pit bulls have loving, gentle temperaments when they are raised as part of a family with lots of love and affection. They are extremely affectionate and eager to please. Very intelligent, energetic and funny.

Do gator pits have long ears?

Gator pitbulls have the average size for a pitbull dog but I say they tent to be in the small size.

Are pit bulls mean dogs?

Pitbulls like any dog can be mean or good. Well trained,these dogs obey their master, but it is fair to say that some unscrupulous people breed them for aggression.

Should people be allowed to keep pit bull dogs?

Yes, people should be allowed to keep Pitbulls. Pitbulls are not the most dangerous dog, believe it or not. German Shepards are the most dangerous and aggressive. That is why they are chosen to be police dogs. Besides, the dogs are necessarily born aggressive, it's how they're raised to be. The owner should spend time and teach the dog how to behave.

What are the characteristics of the PitBull?

Many people say "Pitbulls are terrible Dogs, they bite and attack everyone". I can tell you after 13 years of having 2 Pitbulls..A brother and Sister, I have had no problems with them attacking or biting anyone! I can even go to the park and let them run free off of the lead! The only time my pitbulls have attacked is when I was robbed while walking them, they are great guard dogs as they did not hesitate to bite the attackers. If you ask me its how you bring the dog up to be. Some people are cruel enough to train them to fight, but if you bring them up like any other dog then they are PERFECT! I love my 2 Pitbulls, and once there gone :(..I will definitely buy more!

Do dog with a blog say bad words?

No, Dog with a Blog never says bad words. It is on Disney Channel which has no show that say bad words. It is completely safe for kids.

Is it against Islam to have a clean dog?

yes cause you don't want your dog to be stinky when it goes to someone house or when you walk pass someone they might say something bad bout you like you need to clean your dog or your dog need to go to the car wash cause i have heard people say things bad about people dog an that if they have a problem they need to solve it keep your dog or any thing else clean thank you

What dog is tougher a pit bull or boxer?

boxer puppies are less aggressive then pitbulls. both dogs are sweet and hipper and both need lots of exercise, and boxers are known to be better with children then pitbulls, so if you are looking for a dog aggressive but people-loving sweet puppy you might think about a pitbull. if you have responsible children who are looking for a high energy dog who licks and loves u might think about a boxer.

How do you calm your dog down after seeing a rabbit?

you say bad dog and put he or her in his or hers bed!

How do you make a dog like you?

Hey. I say to give the dog treats. If it doesn't work, TOO BAD! THE DOG HATES YOU!