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Q: Why do people say that coldchills means that someone is walking on your grave?
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What are superstitions about chills?

If you get goosebumps or a chill up your back, it means that someone is walking over your grave.

When you shiver does someone walk over your grave?

The phrase "someone walks over your grave" is simply a superstition. Shivering is a normal physiological response to feeling cold or experiencing fear, stress, or anxiety. It is not related to someone walking over your grave.

Where did the saying 'someone just walked over my grave' originate from?

It comes from ancient times when people used to bye plots for graves for family . It is said that walking over the grave meant a sign of disrespect as they were not yet dead so you wished them Ill.

What does Shivering and walking over someones grave have in common?

Some people say that when some spot is colder than another it means your walking through a ghost

What does Grave old plodders mean?

It is a quote from a Robert Browning poem...

What is the origin of the phrase a cat walked over my grave?

It comes from ancient times when familys used to purchase burial plots for their family before they had even died. Someone walking over your grave shows disrespect, and in oldren times, walking over a persons grave who has not yet deceased, meant you wished them ill. There's an old expression, or superstition, that if you get a sudden unexplained chill or shudder, someone just stepped on your grave. This means your future grave, the place where you will eventually be buried. Since most people don't know exactly where that's going to be, it's a deliberately creepy idea, a mystery like the reason for the chill.

What is grave offenses?

Grave offenses would be committing murder, grand theft, etc. Less grave offenses would be things such as J-walking, speeding, and petty theft.

What is less grave offense?

Grave offenses would be committing murder, grand theft, etc. Less grave offenses would be things such as J-walking, speeding, and petty theft.

Can you stop someone places flowers on a grave?

No, but you can stop them from putting dynamite on a grave.

What do grave diggers do?

After death of people, grave become necessary.For this necessary purpose people can use grave digger. A grave digger digs grave for the death person.

What does a grave digger do?

After death of people, grave become necessary.For this necessary purpose people can use grave digger. A grave digger digs grave for the death person.

If you get the chills does it mean someone is thinking of you naked?

Not that I know of. There is a saying that when you get "goose bumps" someone is walking over your grave. A sudden inexplicable chill has been thought to mean a spirit is in the room (area) with you. There are some that say a "chill" means someone is saying "bad things" about you.