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Q: Why do people sweat during heart attack?
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If your heart beats really hard and you break out in a sweat when at rest is this a heart attack?

yes go die

What are the major signs of a heart attack?

The major signs of a heart attack are chest discomfort, discomfort of areas in the upper body, shortness of breath, cold sweat, nausea, or feeling lightheaded.

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If you are bipolar, don't risk taking allegra. I went to the hospital hardly able to breathe, my heart pounding fast and hard, breaking out in a sweat. It was not a heart attack.

How cardiovascular malfunctions may affect routine measurements and observations?

Cholesterol level:When your cholesterol level is high there is the risk of having a heart attack as cholesterol is a fatty substance produced by the liver and the extra cholesterol sticks on the inner walls of artery which blocks the oxygenated blood to pass through.Blood pressure and Heart rate:A person with heart attack would have a low blood pressure because the heart muscle cannot pump blood effectively. The heart rate of the person with heart attack will also fall down as there is no oxygenated blood.Temperature:The temperature increases during a heart attack which causes the body to sweat, also causing shaking and fever which are often the symptoms of a heart attack.Pulse rate:During a heart attack your pulse rate increases because the heart is under stress and it is working too hard to pump the blood around the body and it often makes you feel dizzy and can make you faint.

Why some people sweat more when they are nervous?

Your heart rate speeds up when you are nervous, it speeds up like when you are exercising and your pores open up releasing sweat.

What happens before a Heart attack what symyons would happen?

There are several things that happen before a heart attack happens. The symptoms include shortness of breath, cold sweat, light headedness, discomfort in both arms, stomach, jaw and neck and squeezing pain in your chest among others.

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What are the signs for a heart attack?

In addition to pain down one's left arm, signs you may be experiencing a heart attack include chest pain or other upper body pain, nausea, cold sweat, a feeling of being light-headed, and shortness of breath. These symptoms may onset gradually, as opposed to suddenly.

DO You get a mini heart attack when you can't feel your phone in your pocket?

The most common signs of a heart attack are: chest pain or discomfort; discomfort in other parts of the body like the arm, shoulder, back, neck, jaw or stomach; shortness of breath; nausea; lightheadedness; or breaking out in a cold sweat. If you have numbness on one side of your body, that is a common symptom of a stroke, among other things. If you think you're having a heart attack or a stroke, call 911.

Women Must Be Their Own Advocates Regarding The Health Of Their Hearts ?

Heart attack symptoms that occur in women are often different than what men experience. For example, a Milwaukee woman reported that she unexpectedly broke into a cold sweat, her heart began racing and she became dizzy. She didn't realize that she was having a heart attack and neither did the hospital due to her history of consistent workouts and lack of prior heart problems. Additional Symptoms Other heart attack symptoms in women include unusual tiredness along with nausea or vomiting. These symptoms can be a signal that a portion of their heart muscle is dying and this can kill them.