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The pressure of the water that deep would crush a person.

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Q: Why do people that want to go deep underwater need a submarine or dive bell?
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Can you give me a sentence for the word submarine?

Submarine is a noun which means underwater boat. Thus it can be used in the follow possible sentences:Radar can be used to detect a nearby submarine.If you want to travel deep underwater, you will need to go in a submarine.It is important that every submarine is watertight.We all live in a yellow submarine.

Where is the stolen submarine in Pokemon Sapphire?

It is almost exactly in between Sootopolis City and Ever Grande City on your map. Go there and dive underwater. Search around underwater and eventually you should find an underwater cave containing the submarine. When you find the submarine, head to the surface.

How are submarine fan made?

Abyssal Fans, also known as deep-sea fans, underwater deltas, and submarine fans, are underwater structures that look like deltas formed at the end of many large rivers, such as the Nile or Mississippi Rivers. Abyssal fans are also thought of as an underwater version of alluvial fans.

How do you find submarine on ruby?

surf around the massive island that is sootopolis city, then use dive at a deep place. there should be a cavern underwater. go in it, then you should have found the submarine. if you use dive there you can get to sootopolis :-)

Where do mullet fish live?

deep deep deep underwater

What is an example of a robotic submarine?

An example of a robotic submarine is the ISE -AUV. - Two of these 3 ton Automatic Underwater Vehicles have been built in Vancouver's International Submarine ENgineering. The purpose of these torpedo shaped vehicles is to map Canada's northern oceans. The AUV's will cruise as deep as 1,500 feet and map mountains and valleys beneath the oceans surface.

How deep can a naval submarine dive?


Is the nautilus a deep sea creature?

the nautilus was a submarine

What is a diving bell?

It is a device that looks like a bell and helps you dive into very deep places. the bell hosts the people in it sheilding them from the pressure.

How deep can a Virginia class submarine dive to?

200 ft

What is the bloop as in the deep underwater sound?

That right there is sonar.

Deep underwater creatures are called what?

good stuff