

Why do people think ghosts are scary?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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12y ago

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Some people are scared by ghosts because they believe ghosts are spirits of the dead intent on evil.

Answercoz they're dead? & cuz they can move objects such as weapons and kill people without being seen.

and people can b scared because they haunt u and they r invisible and ecspically little kids

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Why are ghosts supposedly scary?

In my opinion,most ghosts aren't scary. They're just human, but dead. However, they can still be scary. First of all, some ghosts were horrible, cruel people in life and stayed that way after their death. Those are the ghosts who are more likely to hurt people. What makes that worse is that most people cannot see them nor can they kill them. Also the ghosts that aren't even human, aka daemonic, are definitely worth being scared of, but they are least likely to encounter. Unless things are really creepy, don't worry about ghosts. Like I said, they're mostly human.

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No, I do not think it is scary. It is about ghosts and sometimes it makes you jump, but you should not have sleepless nights! It has a really good twist at the end! :)

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Are ghosts in reallife?

No. Do not worry about it, ghosts are not real because they are just made up. In reallife, there are no such things as ghosts but some people believe in ghost and some don't. This is quite true, ghosts are not in reallife because of that you watch scary movies or read scary stories doesn't mean that ghosts are real. They are just made up for fun.

Why is Halloween so scary?

Halloween is so scary because it is the day of the devil. You go out in costume so the dead people don't think your alive. That is why Halloween is so scary.

Scary movies affect on people?

Well, people who have watched scary movies may think that... ooh this is though to explain... but they might think that the in the movie are going to get them, for example, a ghost. Someone who has watched a scary ghost movie may start thinking that ghosts are around him/her. So... in this, it has an affect, where that person starts to be scared over things that may not usually scare them. ! =)