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Shy people frequently avoid eye contact , and give abrupt answers . They slink off into corners to avoid attention , and try to be invisible. People who have been outgoing and gregarious all their lives mistake this for rudeness, being stuck-up , and they can't understand how you feel.

Try to go places with a friend that understands your problem and will help you out.Don't be afraid of rejection . It won't kill you.

If you've got it so bad to the point you black out or your head is buzzing or someting like that, get some counseling .If you have Social Anxiety Disorder , there is medication for that now , with a doctor's advice and prescription.Please use that as a last resort.

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Q: Why do people think socially awkward people are rude when they are actually shy and nervous and not talkative or open because they are afraid of getting hurt?
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Why cant socially awkward people show more emotions and talk to people and open up to people who want to be friends with them?

Because they are socially awkward.

How do I know if I am awkward What are some indicators?

you know because your palms get all sweaty and your not as talkative, the only thing you do is giggle here and there.

Is it true that a socially awkward person can be more outgoing if they are friends with an outgoing person?

Nope. Not true in the slightest. The only way a socially awkward person can earn their way into outgoing awesomeness is through getting really wasted and sleeping with a cool kid. Answer A socially awkward person CAN become more outgoing if they are friends with an outgoing person because they can learn from the friend. However, if the friend it too outgoing, for example loud and obnoxious, it can stifle the socially awkward person. Usually when someone is socially awkward it is because they are shy or for some reason feel that they don't fit in or fear rejection in some form. If they hang around an outgoing person they can watch how people react to the outgoing person and see that most often they are accepted.

What does it mean for a person to be socially awkward and clumsy and is it unattractive?

To be "socially awkward" could mean a few things, but basically it includes anyone that does fit well into environments with other people. This may mean that they cannot talk to people because they are shy or get really nervous, which prevents them from being able to make conversation with strangers. It could also mean that they do not want to talk to others, such as loners or other antisocial people. Being socially awkward is not necessarily unattractive because sometimes it is not in the person's control, but people tend to gravitate toward people who are outgoing and the life of the party (the opposite of being socially awkward). What is unattractive is dealing with people who CHOOSE not to interact with others because they seem mean. Clumsy just means someone who is inclined to tripping, falling, dropping things, walking into stationary objects, etc... for example, ME! Lol. Hope this helped.

What does it mean for a guy to say he likes you because your socially awkward innocent and adorable?

it means that he thinks you're odd - but that's not a problem, because it is for this reason that he thinks you are cute. it means he fancies you

What does it mean for a guy to say your innocent and socially awkward?

Well, maybe he means you're attractively adorable, innocent as in like; you're modest, which is good... cuz guys wouldn't want you to be snobs & a horrible bad chick... socially awkward like; you like to talk to people a lot, which is also good because you're open. Awkward... don't take it personally, but maybe he thinks it's really cute if you stumble a lot or shy while being social. Lol, could be anything. But either way, we're not perfect.Awkwardness is cool. ;D Hehe.

Why is susie so talkative?

because she has an interesting life

Why is life so awkward?

because you made it awkward

Why Talkative girls are more happy?

Talkative girls are more happy because they have more hormones than usual. Listen to meI am a science doctor. "Dr.LeBlue out"

Where do girls learn to gossip?

from themselves because they are all curious and talkative :P

Why does Holden not like to sit next to Brossard and Ackley at the movies?

he doesn't say anything, viewing the movie as more of a public service than a fun thing to do with friends

How can a person open up and stop being so socially awkward when people what to make friends with her?

When a person is truly socially awkward it's often because of their past experiences with friends and the whole trust thing. It takes time to get people like that to open up to you, because most of the time it's a trust issue that makes them that way.It's pretty much impossible for that person to stop being socially awkward though, I started trusting my mates quite a while ago and now we have some awesome times (mostly drunken ones :P) but even I'm still a bit skittish around new people.So in answer to your question it just takes time and patience, as long as you show the person that you are their friend they will get around to opening up to you in their own time. Don't be too peppy and don't be too "blah". Try to be calm when helping someone become or make a friend.