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Because of how the program is written you need to use punctuation instead of spaces.

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Q: Why do people use dots or underscores in filenames instead of spaces?
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What are underscores mean in username?

They mean there's an underscore in the username. Most computer systems don't allow spaces in usernames but are perfectly happy with underscores.

The early DOS operating system required the use of what naming convention?

Filenames could consist of no more than 8 letters and a 3 letter extension. There were no spaces allowed in filenames. There were various reserved words that could not be used as file names and characters that could not be used in the names, as these names and characters had other uses.

Number of people that suffer from clautophobia?

Hard to know. More people are afraid of confined spaces instead of an elevator itself.

How to write a program that accepts two file names as command line arguments?

int main(int argc, char** argv) { char *argument1, *argument2; if (argc < 2) ...{exception}... argument1 = argv[1]; argument2 = argv[2]; } Note: It is up to you to decide if the arguments actually refer to valid filenames. Also, if the filenames contain spaces, this example will not work - you would need to write code to parse (or use library routines) and support quoted filenames.

Which is better to have in the URL the underscore or the hyphen?

Google treats hyphens as spaces. It is considered to be Google does not treat underscores as spaces. Because of this, the string "xxxxxx" will not show up in a search for "xxxxxx", but the string "xxxx-xxx" will show up in that search. The end result is that hyphens are much better, from an SEO perspective, than underscores. This rule seems to hold true for use in text, in file names, and in domain names.

How many spaces is tab in word?

Typically it is five spaces, but if that does not look right and you have micro sof word 2007 its 15 spaces yeah I know that a lot of spaces but it works, so just go with 5 spaces people, understood five spaces

In Microsoft Word mail merge Can field names include spaces?

No, because Word will think it refers to more than one thing. That is why field names in any kind of database do not use spaces. It is best to not have spaces by doing something like FirstName or First_Name instead of First Name. Then the application will treat the name as one thing, instead of thinking that First and Name are two separate fields.No, because Word will think it refers to more than one thing. That is why field names in any kind of database do not use spaces. It is best to not have spaces by doing something like FirstName or First_Name instead of First Name. Then the application will treat the name as one thing, instead of thinking that First and Name are two separate fields.No, because Word will think it refers to more than one thing. That is why field names in any kind of database do not use spaces. It is best to not have spaces by doing something like FirstName or First_Name instead of First Name. Then the application will treat the name as one thing, instead of thinking that First and Name are two separate fields.No, because Word will think it refers to more than one thing. That is why field names in any kind of database do not use spaces. It is best to not have spaces by doing something like FirstName or First_Name instead of First Name. Then the application will treat the name as one thing, instead of thinking that First and Name are two separate fields.No, because Word will think it refers to more than one thing. That is why field names in any kind of database do not use spaces. It is best to not have spaces by doing something like FirstName or First_Name instead of First Name. Then the application will treat the name as one thing, instead of thinking that First and Name are two separate fields.No, because Word will think it refers to more than one thing. That is why field names in any kind of database do not use spaces. It is best to not have spaces by doing something like FirstName or First_Name instead of First Name. Then the application will treat the name as one thing, instead of thinking that First and Name are two separate fields.No, because Word will think it refers to more than one thing. That is why field names in any kind of database do not use spaces. It is best to not have spaces by doing something like FirstName or First_Name instead of First Name. Then the application will treat the name as one thing, instead of thinking that First and Name are two separate fields.No, because Word will think it refers to more than one thing. That is why field names in any kind of database do not use spaces. It is best to not have spaces by doing something like FirstName or First_Name instead of First Name. Then the application will treat the name as one thing, instead of thinking that First and Name are two separate fields.No, because Word will think it refers to more than one thing. That is why field names in any kind of database do not use spaces. It is best to not have spaces by doing something like FirstName or First_Name instead of First Name. Then the application will treat the name as one thing, instead of thinking that First and Name are two separate fields.No, because Word will think it refers to more than one thing. That is why field names in any kind of database do not use spaces. It is best to not have spaces by doing something like FirstName or First_Name instead of First Name. Then the application will treat the name as one thing, instead of thinking that First and Name are two separate fields.No, because Word will think it refers to more than one thing. That is why field names in any kind of database do not use spaces. It is best to not have spaces by doing something like FirstName or First_Name instead of First Name. Then the application will treat the name as one thing, instead of thinking that First and Name are two separate fields.

How is a legal MS-DOS file name constructed?

In an MS-DOS filename, you may have up to 8 characters followed by a filename extension (eg. .txt, .doc, .bmp) with up to 3 characters separated by a period. In the filename, you may not use the following characters: < > . , : ; / | \ * ? + = " [ ] You may not use spaces either, and the only exception to using a period is separating the name with the extension. Foreign chararacters should be avoided due to codepage differences. Examples of valid filenames: snowcone.bmp report.txt stats.xls Examples of invalid filenames: snow cone.bmp one<two.txt statistics.xls

What does people suffer from if you have claustrophobia?

Enclosed spaces

How would you correct your document if you found that you had used two spaces instead of one after every period?

You could use the 'find and replace' function of your word-processing program. Set it to search for every occurrence of two spaces, and replace each set with single spaces.

Why do we leave spaces and capitals out of front page names?

For any kind of webpage name, it is ideal to keep lowercased names (Unless there is more than one word in the name, in which you'd capitalize the first letter of every word except the first word. For example, "thisIsADocument.html", or even "pageOne.php"). Spaces must be condensed into underscores ( _'s ), or the method above (With the multiple words), because spaces usually mean the next parameter, in most programs. That would mean a space in a parameter (Such as a URL) could be signalling another parameter.

What are some of the rules followed in naming a varriable?

All names (including variables, functions, constants, data types and labels) in C++ must begin with a non-digit character and must be composed entirely of alphanumeric characters and underscores with no spaces. Leading double underscores are frowned upon as these are reserved for use by built-in names. Leading single underscores are fine, although some implementations reserve these also. Names are case sensitive so 'Result' and 'result' are treated as being two separate names. Names in all caps are, by convention, reserved for macro definitions, which makes them easier to identify as macros and therefore much easier to eliminate when the programmer finally comes to her senses.