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Alcohol interferes with the transfer of information from short term into long term memory.

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Q: Why do people who abuse alcohol forget things?
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Why are drugs and alcohol abuse higher amongst homeless people?

because they want to forget reality and live in illusion just like matrix.

Can you die of alcohol?

People can die from the abuse of alcohol.

How many people since the year 2010 died from alcohol?

People do not die from alcohol, only from its abuse.

How can people recover from drug and alcohol abuse?

People can recover from drug and alcohol abuse by acknowledging they have a problem, going to rehabilitation centers, and being supported by family members and friends.

How many deaths are caused by alcohol a year?

Deaths can be caused by the abuse of alcohol, not by the moderate consumption of it. No one knows how many people die from the abuse of alcohol each year.

Introduction to Healthy People 2010 and alcohol abuse?


How many people die a year due to alcohol?

People don't die from alcohol, only from the abuse of alcohol.

Divorce alcohol abuse or financial difficulties are an examples of what?

People problems

How many people have died of alcohol?

People don't die from alcohol but from alcohol abuse. Whether directly or indirectly, there are far to many people who have died because of alcohol abuse. But as long as you consume alcohol responsibly it can contribute to better health and longevity. DO NOT DRINK AND DRIVE, AS THIS IS HOW A LARGE PERCENTAGE OF THE DEATHS OCCUR

What is the percent of alcohol being involved in spouse abuse?

99.9% of spouse abuse is caused by alcohol abuse.

What is Drug and alcohol abuse in contemporary society?

When drugs and alcohol are used in excess to the point of being detrimental to ones health and money is taken away from the things necessary to survival, that`s an example of abuse.

Can alcohol make people mentally ill?

Continuous abuse of alcohol can indeed make one mentally ill.