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Pine trees do not normally live longer than oak trees although the Bristlecone Pine is the oldest recorded living tree so this is questionably.

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Q: Why do pine trees live longer than oak trees?
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If you cut a piece oak tree and put it in water will it last longer than a pine tree?

no pine trees last long

Does anything live longer than a Redwood tree?

Yes. Bristlecone pine trees in particular are the oldest living things on the planet; some of them have been alive for over two thousand years.

Why do pine trees produce more sap than other trees?

becuase they do

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Can a tree live to 4000 years?

The age of some bristlecone pine trees in California and Nevada have been shown to be more than 5,000 years.

Why is a maple tree more closely related to a rosebush than to a pine tree?

Maple trees and rosebushes are angiosperms, which are flowering plants. Pine trees, which are Gymnosperms, do not flower.

How many years do olive trees produce?

Olive trees can produce olives for approximately 100 years, but they can live longer than that.

What animals live on trees?

Lots of animals live in trees it depends where you are but mostly it just raccoons,bears,owls,other birds,ants of course and well um that is the main ones other than that there is not very much at all.

Is a pine tree a element or a mixture?

Pine Tree is a Mixture =)

Is a pine tree a needle leaf tree?

Yes. They are needle leaf trees just like spruces, firs, hemlocks, larches, cedars, and many others. You can usually tell a pine tree because they will have longer leaves (maybe 3 to 9 inches) than the other needle leaf trees and they are anganged in bundles of 2-5, depending on the species.

Where a conifers mostly found?

Conifers are evergreens, pine trees. They are found wherever trees grow in general, but further north (or south) than deciduous trees can grow.

Is a cherry tree softwood?

By definition, all dicotyledon trees are hardwood trees. All polycotyledon trees are softwood trees. Cherry trees are dicotyledons. Long leaf pines have much harder wood than most hardwood trees. "Dade County Pine," a type of Slash Pine, is too hard to nail. Termites can not bite into it. It is still called softwood.