

Why do polar bears catch there food?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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Why not? You think they walk around an iceberg and find a nicely grilled turkey waiting for them on the other side? Someone had to catch our food to. You don't make beef. You catch it. Exactly what polar bears do because they don't have any fast food restaurants.

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13y ago
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How do polar bears catch and eat their food?

With the claws, teeth and jaws.

How are polar bears adapted to catch their prey?

polar bears are white showing the camouflage so the can catch their prey

Why do polar bears have claws?

to catch fish

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to catch fish

Where do polar bears get food?

they can smash through the ice if they smell a seal or something like that and swim and catch it. hope that helps :)

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The Inuit hunt polar bears for food and skin and bones.

Are polar bears at the top of the arctic food chain?

Yes, polar bears are on the top of the Arctic food chain. Then the seals.

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Polar bears are the largest terrestrial predators walking the Earth today. They do not beg for food.

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polar bears main source of food is fish, seabirds and sometimes reindeer

What eats a bigger polar bear?

Orcas have been known to attack and eat polar bears that they catch swimming in their environment.

Where is the food or animals polar bears eat located?

Under the ice on which the Polar Bears roam.