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People die, and people are born. If the Birth Rate is higher than the Death Rate then population will rise. People move out; for education or work etc., others move in. Industries come and go.

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11y ago
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1mo ago

Populations change over time due to factors like birth rates, death rates, Immigration, and emigration. These factors influence the size and composition of a population at any given time. Changes in population can also be influenced by natural events, economic conditions, and social factors.

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14y ago

the human population always changes because every 3 seconds ,somewhere in the world a person dies. And every 5 seconds, somewhere in the world a baby is born

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13y ago

The population sizes the total number of live organisms in a population. Adults and young must be counted when counting the population size.

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12y ago

Everybody goes to Mcdonal and eat a lot. They get so fat that they can't move or leave their houses so they need to do lot of kids which will be send to a fast food and to bring food.

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11y ago

because of famines, draught, human favor, events, death, birth, and people moving to a place.

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How is a hybrid zone most likely to change over time if hybrid offspring have higher fitness than both parental populations?

If hybrid offspring have higher fitness than both parental populations, the hybrid zone is likely to expand over time as hybrids outcompete the parental populations. This can result in genetic swamping, where the hybrid gene pool replaces that of the parental species. Over time, this can lead to the eventual fusion of the two parental populations into a single hybrid population.

What 2 countries have populations with over a billion?

China and India have populations with over a billion people.

What does it mean if 2 populations of a species become isolated?

If two populations of a species become isolated, it means that they are separated from each other and cannot interbreed. Over time, this isolation can lead to genetic differences between the populations, potentially resulting in the development of new species through the process of evolution.

What is the process by which populations accumulate inherited changes over time?

The process by which populations accumulate inherited changes over time is called evolution. Evolution occurs through mechanisms such as natural selection, genetic drift, mutation, and gene flow, leading to the gradual change and diversification of species. These inherited changes can result in adaptations that increase the fitness of individuals within a population.

What happens when members from separated populations do not reproduce with each other?

Over time, the populations may become genetically distinct from one another due to accumulation of different mutations. This can lead to the evolution of new species if the genetic differences become significant enough to prevent successful reproduction between individuals from the two populations.

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"Chage and Aska" is a popular Japanese duo composed of Chage and Ryo Aska. They were formed in 1979 and are still active to this date, with over 31 million albums and singles sold in Japan.

How did the plant populations in the community change over time?

by plants moving

Complete the statement: Over time, populations can?

specialize for particular environments.

What is a process in which populations gradually change over time?

Evolution i think

What is the darkening of populations over time in response to industrial pollution?

Industrial Melanism

Populations change over time due to the process of?

How is a hybrid zone most likely to change over time if hybrid offspring have higher fitness than both parental populations?

If hybrid offspring have higher fitness than both parental populations, the hybrid zone is likely to expand over time as hybrids outcompete the parental populations. This can result in genetic swamping, where the hybrid gene pool replaces that of the parental species. Over time, this can lead to the eventual fusion of the two parental populations into a single hybrid population.

What is the definition elevution?

Change over time in populations of organisms. Or, more formally; the change in allele frequency over time in a population of organisms.

What do scientist think happens as populations change over time?

new species form.

How have animal populations changed over time?

Charles Darwin Theory of natural selection