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Electrons being negatively charged will be attracted by the protons within the nucleus and so they come after spending energy against the force of attraction. But positron being positively charged will be repelled by positively charged portons. Hence the energy difference between electron and positron emission in case of beta decay

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Q: Why is the positron emitter more than beta emitter in medium nuclei?
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Why positron emitter is more than beta emitter in medium nuclie?

Because there is more energy available, and beta+ decay requires an energy contribution, as opposed to beta-.

What is a beta emitter?

In physics, an alpha emitter is a radioactive substance which decays by emitting alpha particles.

Is an alpha a particle or a wave?

Beta is a particle. In beta- it is an electron and an electron antineutrino. In beta+ it is a positron and an electron neutrino.

Why are positrons produced from some nuclei but alpha or beta radiation come from other nuclei?

Positrons are a type of beta radiation (along with electons). Let's check things out to figure out why some nuclei are positron emitters. Positron emission (beta + decay) follows after the conversion of a neutron in an atomic nucleus into a proton. In atomic nuclei that have an excess number of neutrons to be stable, this is a common form of decay. It directly assists an unstable nucleus in getting closer to the "line of stability" of the N-Z plot. As beta + decay has a higher probablity for nuclei with excessive numbers of neutrons, beta - decay has a higher probability for nuclei with shortages of neutrons. In general, alpha decay is reserved for the heaviest radionuclides. We see radium, uranium, plutonium and a number of other elements from the upper end of the periodic table as having alpha decay as a possibility among their methods of decay. Links can be found below.

What is the composition of a beta particle?

A beta particle is either an electron or an anti-electron (aka positron).

Which radioisotope is a beta emitter?

90-Sr is the answer.

What are the properties of an Beta particle?

A beta particle is an electron (or positron) with high energy and speed.

What is a balanced equation for positron decay of Mercury 188?

The equation for the positive beta decay of 188Hg is: 80188Hg --> 79188Au + 10e where e indicates a positron or positive beta particle.

When is the decay particle beta?

A beta particle is either an electron, or a positron (aka "anti-electron").

How many nucleons does a beta particle have?

None. A beta particle consists of a single electrons or positron.

What is the symbol for a positron?

A positron is the antiparticle of the electron. We write the electron as e- as it is negatively charged. We write e+ or β+ for the positron. The latter symbol uses the Greek letter beta as positron emission is one of the two forms of the radioactive decay known as beta decay. Links can be found below.

What is alpha radiation made of?

Beta particles are made of either electrons (or their opposite particle - positrons). They are emitted from certain atomic nuclei in the process of radioactive decay. Electrons and positrons are considered one of a class of subatomic particles called "Elementary Particles". Elementary particles are believed to have no further substructure, and are therefore made only of energy by the formula E= mc^2.