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This question is rather self-explanatory. A person has certain views that they think are right, so the right decision for them is to support people who share similar views.

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Q: Why do presidents nominate judges who share their views?
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Does the President choose judges who liberally interpret the Constitution?

The President nominates judges, who are confirmed by the Senate. Some Presidents may prioritize nominating judges who interpret the Constitution more liberally, while others may prioritize a more conservative interpretation. Each President's nominee may vary in their judicial philosophy.

The President chooses judges who liberally interpret the Constitution.?

the president chooses judges who neither liberally or conservatively interpret the constitution exactly, but interpret it in their own opinion. that's why the supreme court isn't just one judge, different opinions are needed and everyone interprets differentlyAnother View: The first answer reflects the "ideal" world. However, historically, Presidents nominate potential Supreme Court Justice's who reflect the views and ideal of both the sitting President and his political party.

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Yes. It prevents a new administration from continually removing and reappointing the judges most aligned with their own views, and provides the judges with enough experience at the highest level to actually do their job.

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Some presidents feel so strongly about some issue that the court is likely to consider, that they nominate someone who agrees with them even if that person is not the best qualified. Nominees must be confirmed by the Senate , and if the Senate is controlled by the opposition party, the President may choose a weaker candidate who is not known to be hostile to his views but may be confirmable.

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