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Why Schools Block SitesSchools block sites for many reasons. Some of them include blocking adult sites, which is both noneducational and illegal for children to view, noneducational sites because children are in school to learn, not to play, etc.

I am going to have to STRONGLY disagree with the statement above. Half the sites that schools block, are most likely educational. Do you really think the school goes through every site in the entire Web? No, all they do is look at the URL and don't really get a chance to look at the site. I have learned that there are going to be sites out there that will be educational and schools have blocked them. Do schools really think that they did a really good job on blocking sites? I certainly do not think so. Yeah some sites are not very educational, but shouldn't schools make the day for their students fun, as well as educational? And I bet some people don't even realize, that a lot of adult sites out there ARE run by our own government? So if adult sites are so called illegal then why would they be ran by our government? Oh I guess you could really put some thought into this, and maybe someday people will realize, that government runs those sites, because we as American citizens, are too dull and dense to realize that we are just getting scammed out of our pockets. Just because the AMERICAN government failed, doesn't mean that the rest of the world should.

Sites are blocked at school because students can go on inappropriate websites.

i understand why they block most of the adult sites......but in my school the only websites u can get is island.....etc.u know what i mean but to me the whole idea is stupid because most kids around the world learn through technology and if u block most of the sites .........well there goes a good 65% of kids actually idk why they choose to block sites

yes i agree i think they just don't want 1 ounce of fun in their school.

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Because students may go on sites containing 18+ material and if someone would find it out, school may have problems. Also, because students may play games or do some funny stuff when they are supposed to learn and you they are going to school to learn something, not to play.

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Q: Why do schools block sites?
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School block sites?

I'm not exactly sure what your question is but in the US schools have the right to block any websites that they choose to block.

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Schools are allowed to block any websites they deem not needed in education. Since this is a secular government and the role of religion in schools is not part of education they would be allowed to block the site. This would especially true that they blocked all sites and just not particular sites. Otherwise that would be discrimination.

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they should block certain sites , by using firewalls

Why do schools block websites?

Why Schools Block WebsitesSchools block websites for a variety of reasons. They block sites that they believe are inappropriate for students and ones that are illegal for students to view. They also block sites that distract students from the purpose of school, which is learning so they will be prepared for life after they graduate. While students might feel like the schools are mean and just want to make life more difficult for them, they really do it so that students will concentrate on learning, rather than playing games, getting on social sites, etc. In short, they do it because they care about students.

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Any school where the IT people have a lick of sense will not only block all downloading sites, but also prevent students from installing anything if they do manage to download it.

What is a music website that schools can't block?

At my schools (and most others i think) Grooveshark isn't blocked so that's what we use!! hope that helps, coz i know what its like when your at school and they block or filter EVERYTHING! why they even do it os a mystery for most sites!! xx

Can you block adult sites on Gmail?

You cannot block sites on Gmail as it is not a browser. You can block sites on browser. Gmail itself is a website running on browser.

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Schools block Facebook because it is social not educational. If you are caught bypassing blocked sites, you could face serious punishment.

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Yes, Apple does offer web settings that will help to block Phishing sites.