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Q: Why do scientists believe that ash from a volcano killed the dinosaurs?
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How do scientists believe that a great flood killed the dinosaurs?

Scientists do not believe that the extinction of the dinosaurs was the result of a great flood. There are still a number of competing theories about the extinction of the dinosaurs although it is clear that there was a large meteor impact in the Yucatan region, which played a role. It may also be that rising carbon dioxide levels and ocean acidity played a role as well. It may be that there were a number of contributing factors, rather than just one single cause. But scientists do not think that flooding was involved. Note that some dinosaurs were aquatic, and would not have been killed by flooding since they already lived in the water.

How do scientists know everything but not how the dinosaurs died out?

Scientists don't know everything, nor do they claim to know everything.There's a lot of compelling evidence to suggest that the dinosaurs were killed of by a massive meteorite impact.

How did alligators and crocodiles survive the meteor that kill the dinosaurs?

There is no way of knowing what killed the dinosaurs millions of years ago. We don't know if it was by volcano, meteor, or an ice age.

How many millian years ago when the dinosaurs extinct from the asteroid?

scientists don't know if an asteroid killed the dinosaurs it is just a guess the dinosaurs died 65 million years ago

Why are triceratops extinct?

The same other dinosaurs of it's time are killed, by a meteor (or that's what scientists think).

Who kills dinosaurs?

Dinosaurs hunted and killed other dinosaurs. A few huge relatives of crocodiles, such as Deinosuchus and Suchomimus, probably hunted dinosaurs. A few of the largest mammals alive at the time, such as Repenomamus, may have hunted dinosaur hatchlings. Scientists consider birds a subdivision of dinosaurs, in which case any animal that hunts birds kills dinosaurs. Of course, prehistoric pathogens would have killed some dinosaurs through disease.

What is your conclusion about dinosaurs qualities?

what is your conclusion about what killed the dinosaurs

What are two pieces of evidence used two support the theory that dinosaurs became extinct as a result of volcanic eruptions about 65 million years ago?

Using fossils and geographical clues, paleontologists have determined with some certainty that a meteor, not a volcano killed the dinosaurs. Although dinosaurs died out, some birds survived and today's birds are the direct descendants of the dinosaurs.

Did new species kill the dinosaurs?

No one knows what killed the dinosaurs.

What is dibromoethene?

it's what killed the dinosaurs.

What really killed the dinosaurs?

some predict the the dinosaurs died of a big asteroid.

If scientists were to find a large crater dated around the time of the dinosaurs what might it indicate about their extinction?

Many people actually believe that A large flood killed all of the dinosaurs, A large earthquake caused the crater that engulfed the dinosaurs, or A large volcanic eruption resulted in global climate change., but no. it was actually that of A large asteroid strike resulted in a massive explosion that altered plant life. It created an explosion so big that it basicly wipes out the entire species of dinosours!