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Recent studies of our solar system have proved that there is indeed life on Mars. The creatures, although reaching only a maximum of three feet in height, have proven to be very intelligent as well as intent on extending their rule to Earth. Their technology exceeds that of even our planet, which explains their ability to have survived for so long without detection.

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14y ago

There is a saying attributed to Arthur C. Clarke that "any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." For an extraterrestrial species to reach Earth via "UFOs," the species would have to be many millenia ahead of humans. We can say with relative certainty that humans are the only intelligent life form in the solar system, meaning any extraterrestrial being would have to come from outside the solar system. The Drake equation does indeed predict that there could be other advanced civilizations in the universe, so extraterrestrials are not out of the question. The nearest solar system to ours is that of Alpha Centauri, which is approximately 4.2 light years away. This means that any life form coming to earth from Alpha Centauri would spend at least 4.2 years in transit even if they could achieve this cosmic speed limit. The technology required to organize a nearly 8.5-year round trip journey is tremendous to say the least--far out of the reach of human capabilities. However, the probability that an extraterrestrial from the Alpha Centauri system would visit the Earth is astronomically small. Most visitors would have to travel absurdly long distances--upwards of thousands of light years (which translates to an equal number of years in transit).

Perhaps scientists don't deny the existence of UFOs as much as they point out the probability of being visited by extraterrestrials (much less seeing them!) is all but zero.


The answer is much easier than this. Who can deny that there are objects seen flying that are not identified. This fact has no relation to whether you believe in extraterrestials; the objects just haven't been identified. Bad eyesight, bad Photography, and overactive imaginations keep the connection alive.

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