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Sediment settles on the bottom of the lake or sea ultimately because it is heavier than water. Sediment begins as dirt or fragments of rock on land. When precipitation (rain) or flooding occurs these fragments are carried along with the water to the nearest stream, river, or other water reserve. The sediment that is carried into a lake or pond then sinks to the bottom of the body of water. The sediment that finds its way into moving water is ultimately emptied into the ocean, or whichever body of standing water the river or stream flows. Once the sediment reaches the stagnant body of water it will sink to the bottom.

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They are heavier than water.

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Q: Why do sediments settle to the bottom of a lake or sea?
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Why do the sediments get deposited when a river runs into a lake or sea?

Generally the speed of the transported load slows down considerably with the change in the transport medium from stream to lake or sea. As the energy of the motion is reduced, gravity claims the sediments.

Where does a River erode sediment?

sediments are transported by ocean rift, streams, river currents, wind (air). they are deposited according to size. The largest sediments are deposited first. The sediments settle into the sand and are carried by the stream. Near the mouth of the stream where the water moves slowly the small sediments settle out. The larger sediments get carried by the river into the sea then the samller sediments. The sea water dissolved minerals and soak the sediments and cement together. This eventually forms sediments.

A sedimentary rock is formed by what?

This is how they are formed: A river carries, (transports) pieces of broken rock to a lake or sea. The pieces of rock settle at the bottom, (they are deposited) They then form into layers. The sediments on top squish down the ones on the bottom, squeezing out all the water between the cracks. Over time, the sediments slowly cement together. It usually takes millions of years, but the layers eventually turn into sedimentary rocks.

Where did natural gas start?

Natural gas (and oil) is formed from the fossilized organic remains of sea creatures that were trapped in rocks at the bottom of the sea as sediments accumulated.

Where is benthos located?

Benthos is a term for bottom-dwelling (i.e. on, in, or very near) organisms because they live on the seabed (what is known as the "benthic zone"). There are different classifications though: the epifauna live on the sea bottom and infauna live in the sediments on the sea bottom.

What is lake Eyre's elavation in feet?

The bottom of lake Eyre is 15 meters below sea level at its deepest point

How can plants and animals form sedimentary rock?

Skeletal remains of many sea creatures settle on the ocean floor. Here they mix with sediments and eventually become sedimentary rock.

Is a starfish a benthic organism?

Yes -- an organism is benthic if it lives on the bottom of a sea or lake. Starfish, or sea stars, tend to reside at the bottom of bodies of salt or brackish water

What places are desirable for the formation of fossils?

the places in which fossils can be formed in incorporated sediments and rocks in the bottom of the sea.this shows the formation of petroleum from rock sediments under the sea,because this decay is a scheme which take millions of years.maven

How do the ages of the sea sediments compare to the age of the oldest contential rock?

Continental rock is MUCH older than sediments in the sea (unless the sediments in the sea come from continental crust, in which case they would be the same age).

How do you use benthos in a sentence?

The plants and animals that live in or on the bottom of the sea or lake can be referred to as benthos.

Large flat surfaces in which continental sediments settle are called?

Continental shelf. But these were mainly created in the ice ages, when the sea level was much lower. ^^^^^^^^^ WRONG abyssal plains ----- JLOPARDO